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Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:31 pm
by Gallactica9
Hi there :) Can anyone share their experiences about avoiding driving and how you overcome it? Mine has been that I've been avoiding driving for as long as I can remember. I only drove for a short period of time when I was in my early 20's AND I've never gotten a driver's license. Somehow I've always managed to get around either by public transportation or getting rides from family members and/or friends. This has been my biggest obstacle/challenge that, up to this day, I feel I won't be able to overcome. I just turn 30 and for the first time I finally obtain my driving permit but it will soon expired. Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks!!! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:53 am
by Guest
I got my license when I was 16 but never drove after that, I was a nervous wreck going through drivers ed and taking the driving exam etc. Like you I relied on family to drive me or I'd take the train. My father broke his hip when I was 25 and I was pretty much forced to start driving my mom and I to the hospital to visit my dad. At the time I was so scared and wanted to avoid the school time traffic so I would only drive between the hours of 10am and 1pm and I used to make my mom pray the rosary while I was driving lol. A friend of mine used to take me out driving to get me comfortable on the road during that time, however I couldn't take left hand turns I was way too scared but I forced myself to keep at it and I bought my own car before my dad came home from the hospital, but after that I would really only drive to work or local stores. 10+ yrs later I still only drive locally, but I was able to drive on the highway the other day and I didn't have a panic attack (I always avoid highways...however this one highway doesn't freak me out as much as the bigger ones here do, I always still had anxiety driving on it) I listened to the session cd on my 40 minute drive and I was shocked I didn't have any anxiety at all and I actually enjoyed the drive. The breathing exercises also help me alot. I just kept telling myself before the drive that everything would be ok, I stayed in the middle lane and did the speed limit and let anyone behind me go around me if they wanted to race down the highway. You can do it, use the program, and do it now before you are forced to do it like I was!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:19 am
by Guest
I am happy to say I have overcome my fear of driving. Last year I began to avoid driving and going places that involved driving. Where I live you have to be able to drive there is nothing within walking distance.

I realized if I gave into this fear I would become house bound which was something that terrified more than driving.

What helped me was the Driving with comfort tape by Carolyn. I would listen to this tape as well as tape 3 when ever I went out driving. I began to realize with the help of these resources, that it was my negative/what if thoughts were the problem, and not my actual driving.

I wrote down a positive mantra on a index card and I would repeat it over and over while I was getting ready to go out. I would also repeat it when I was driving.

Now I am happy to say thank God, I have been able to get out and drive whereever with no panic/anxiety attacks. I even drove on the highway during a snow storm this past winter. I was definitely nervous but I used my skills and I did it.

The bset way to overcome your fear of driving is to do it. Practice your breathing, listen to your tapes and start out driving short distances and it will get easier. Wishing you much success. Take care and God Bless.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:40 pm
by Guest
bna...What a great response!!!! I, also, used a mantra when I began driving on the interstate...

I would turn my music up really loud, and just enjoy my new-found sense of freedom...

I can even remember racing a time or two ;)..
I wouldn't advise anyone else to do that one!!!!

Just trying to point out...Driving can be sooo much fun!!!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:16 pm
by guitar1
My problem with driving is being overly concerned about the people around me. I think do they think I am driving crazy or reckless. But I drive quite often now and driving has become therapeutic for me.

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:39 pm
by Guest

I can totally relate. I'm 31 and I have never gotten my driver's license. I let my permit lapse, so now I have to get it AGAIN. This time, I'm determined to get my license because I'm tired of relying on other people to get me where I need to go.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 11:29 am
by Barb G.
I also have a fear of driving. It started out as a fear of driving on the freeway. To go to work I was only on the freeway for 3 minutes and
there were 4 merges. And people being inattentive using cell phones. So I lost my nerve to merge and have stopped using the freeway for now. Then I started having anxiety
when going down a hill. This is tough, because
there are lots of hills around here. I guess I
have an irrational fear that my brakes will fail. So this will be one of my top priorities on the program. I know I can do it!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 11:24 am
by Faith_TX
hi! i am new to this. i am also terrified of driving. feels like i going to die. and i am afraid to die.driving with someone is noe becoming very hard. i cant understand this. i just feel like jumping out of the car and that scares me. i dont no what to do .

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:08 pm
by Guest
Hello Everyone!
if anyone has any suggestions, my fear is being caught in traffic. we have to drive thru atlanta a couple of times a month, and i feel like i'm gonna be sick when we get stopped in middle lane, nowhere to go kinda traffic!