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Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:43 pm
by Mary Cooper
i have been havin aches in my head along with headaches dizziness and blurred vision. im afraid there is something wrong. i want to go to the er im not sure of what to do. should i go to the er is there anyone that has felt this way?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:34 pm
by Bookie
In my situation I was having chest pains so I went to the cardiologist where he performed all kinds of test to tell me nothing was wrong with me and I got a bill, then a couple of weeks ago I went to the ER because I was having a tight pressure on the left side of my head only to get another bill, I told mysefl that I am not going to antoher doctor. you can read my lastest symptoms under the dizziness/vision problem topic. I have felt many times like I wanted to go back to the ER but I honestly can not afford any more medical bills. But if you feel that this is serious and it gets worse than you might want to go to ease your mind. Let me know what happens.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:35 pm
by Bookie
One more thing I have had the aches and headaches and dizziness.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 9:01 pm
by Mary Cooper
Hi thank u for writin me. I did go to the er the other day they gave me a cat scan and eveything was ok. The doctor told me that my brain looked fine he said it might not work all the time but its ok. That made me feel so much better. Since then my headaches have stopped. Maybe because i was so afaid there was something wrong i worried so much that in its self made my head hurt. Thank u for ur response. mary :)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:15 pm
by kphoo
Your symptons are well known side effects of ssri medication- are you taking these meds? if so, your symptoms are likely a result of the side-effects- if you are taking theses meds you need to buy the book prozac backlash written by harvard psychiatrist joseph glenmullen he is an expert on the side effects and withdrawl of these meds- if your on these meds put a search into goole and type "anyone have ... side effects with (whatever med your on) and you'll be amazed- glenmullen (thank god) came out with a book this month called the antidepressant solution which helps us to safely taper off meds with the least amount of discomfort (although let me tell you it can be hell, these drugs are soooo addictive)

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:38 am
by Mary Cooper
Thank u for writin me. No im not takin any antidepression meds. I do take a nerve pill every once and awhile only when i feel like im goin to have a panic attack. I use to take paxil but have been of it for 3 years. When i got of it i felt like crap. And i feel like ever since gettin off it i have felt crapy. I have muscle twiches and my lips get numb stuff like that. I never had any problems like that until started then stoppin the paxil. I will never take any antidepression meds again. I plan on gettin this program. Because med is not the long term answer. The answer is to fix the problem not cover it up. Thanks again for ur reply.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:54 am
by Lori 3470
Hi, Mary I just had to write you regarding this subject. About 3 months ago that is how my anxiety all came out and about! See, I have probably always been an anxious person but probably never noticed it before! About 3 months ago I started having these sudden baby chills in either side of my head, especially when I got aggravated, then I would get phantom shooting pains in my head all over in different places and they would only last a few seconds to a minute. I also would get numbness and facial strain. Well rather than go to a doctor I started to worry myself that I had a brain tumor. I am only 34 but i have 2 little children so this thought really sickened me! I even tried a chiropractor thinking it was a pinched nerve. Needless to say I just drove myself into a complete panic attack so I went to the ER with my husband and they did a CAT scan and bloodwork and a EKG and everything was fine. Then I went to my doctor the following week and he checked me and everything was fine. I began to study anxiety and found this to be a symptom alot of people experience. Of course since then I have scared myself over alot of crazy symptoms. Right now I have been getting those chills in my head again. Also I have been getting tingling in my left calf. I also still get dizzy and my eyes feel like they are blurry and very sensitive to light on occasion. If it is not one thing its another. I do feel somewhat better doing lucinda's tapes and workbook. Hope your doing good.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:15 am
by AlaskanAmber
Hi lori,
I know you wrote your response a long time ago, but I still feel compelled to say thank you, I found myself in your story. I've dealt with anxiety for a long time, I've used lucinda's program, and love it. But when life is good you don't look through the books etc. Last year I was getting tension headaches w/electrical shooting pains. Freaked out by the thought of a brain tumor , also having small children, I saw the doctor. He said classic tension headaches.
My life is military, traveling alot, moving every 2-4 yrs, leaving family and friends constantly. just a little stressful. =) and I saw a chiropractor which helped alot. But after our move, new school, new doctors, new house , etc. It came back while on Mirena ( iuc) and the IUC was causing a severe hormonal imbalance in my body which was upping my tension and anxiety daily. I've been off the mirena now 3weeks and still have shooting pains, electrical shocks, neck fatigue, acheness, lip numbness, while it's like someone turned the dial down ( meaning it's getting less and less) it still scares me. I still break into a sweat and panic when I get the symptoms and then I worry about being alone, what if...I pass out and I'm alone, who will find me? Who will get my kids from school? etc. So while I sound stressed at the moment and I am a little, I wanted to thank you for sharing your experiance, it's reassuring to me, my symptoms aren't unique. I'm not alone, I don't have some new weird tumor no-ones heard of. So thank you for a little peace and comfort. hope all is well with you, much peace and prayers!