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I've cut all the caffeine from my diet.

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:25 pm
by Scylla
I still feel anxious. I would like to mention this because in one of my other posts I mentioned I have three major illnesses. Type 1 diabetes, bipolar, and hypothyroidism. I'm trying to mend my body. I only have one hot chocolate per day and occasionally ashitaba green which is a caffeine free stimulant that in higher doses could make me as manic as coffee does so I don't drink coffee anymore. I try my best to teach myself coping skills. Some days I feel so anxious I do not want to leave the house. I have a boil in my right ear which is not helping me. I'm on an ten day course of antibiotic for the boil. I'm also on a gluten-free diet which my boyfriend has commented, makes me less anxious. So I'm sticking with the gluten free diet for awhile. I have gone through lesson one but I'm really on lesson three. I'm going through lesson three again and I'm writing my journal on my Live Journal having received no real comments. So I haven't kept up with Lesson 3 or maybe I'm trying to do too much.

Re: I've cut all the caffeine from my diet.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:44 pm
by Dixiesmom
Remember, this is a process. Go through each session even if you don't think you are ready to leave one for another. When you are finished, go back through the ones you struggled with or feel like you need to learn a little more from. Don't expect yourself to get it perfect the first time, a little at a time. Best wishes.

Re: I've cut all the caffeine from my diet.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:24 pm
by Scylla
Thank you for that. I really am working on the process.