safe person

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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safe person

Post by LyndaLu » Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:49 pm

From Session One:
When a sufferer is experiencing a panic attack, she truly feels that she will lose control,
go "insane" or die if she does not get to a "safe" place or person. The "safe" place is usually
home or somewhere very familiar and comfortable. The "safe" person is usually a spouse,
child, or close friend - someone who can be there if the sufferer needs help.

Believe it or not, there are no "safe" people or places.

You are the one scaring yourself; only you can calm yourself down.

This may be very difficult for you to accept right now. That's fine. It's not important that you
agree with everything from the start.

It is important however that you listen, participate and believe we do know what we are saying.
My question is, when does this transformation take place and how long does it take ?
I am working on Session Six and I still don't feel like I am my own "safe" person.


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Re: safe person

Post by Iwillbebetter » Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:04 am

I think that is different for everyone. I think the more you practice and put your skills into place, the more you become your safe person. I don't know that a time can be put on it as we are all different. Once you can take your negative, scary, panick thoughts and remove them from the darkness, to the light so you can see there is nothing to fear, once you are able to do that regularly you are your safe person!!
"Only rainbows after rain, the sun will always come again, and it's a cirlce, circling around again it comes around again...."

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Re: safe person

Post by LyndaLu » Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:21 pm

I used to be so independent a few years ago. I was very independent in my personal life and my job life.

But in 2003 I was prescribed some Paxil from my primary care doctor. In 2005 my dad

died. In 2006 my mom almost died of pneumonia. In 2006 I took myself off of the Paxil because

I did not like the way that medication made me feel. In 2007 I had a nervous breakdown and

got a ton of new medications and a Psychiatrist and was on short term disability from my job.

I returned to work in 2007. In 2009 I was layed off from my job due to the poor economy.

The last time I went on a REAL vacation was in 2004 when my sister and I

traveled along the Oregon Coast for ten days, it was great. We were in a little sports car too, what fun.

I used to travel alone also, driving around the state and visting places and going out of state alone too,

I was quite okay with being by myself and I felt safe to be around myself and to be alone. I went to

coffee shops by myself to read books and drink coffee. I went to the movie theatres all of the time

by myself to see every new movie that came along.

Somewhere along the line here I lost track of my safe person, who is myself.

I used to feel independent and content with myself. Now I am 100% the opposite

of the person I used to be just a few years ago and I am trying to work my way back.

I want the "old" me back?


Lynda :)

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