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On "house arrest"

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:12 pm
by Lola51
Hi everyone! I just started the program yesterday and am excited. I retired 9 mos ago and been "house arrest" ever since. I used to look foward towards the day of retirement, but since my husband is still working, I have been miserable. You see, he works nights and leaves the house at 12:45 and returns at 10:50pm, so I am home alone. Alone with my thoughts! EEK! At first I would go out and try to get used to having the freedom of not working. WRONG! I was getting anxiety attacks in the stores or while driving. I had to get home where it was safe. I've been doctors and the ER, hoping for some help, hoping they would find something wrong with me and fix it. Of course there is nothing medically wrong. On Dec. 22, I had a bad one and called my daughter to come over and stay with me, but ended up going, once again, to the ER. They did the usual EKG, blood work. I figured that if anything should go haywire, at least I was in the ER and they could rescue me. The doctor came in and tells me the tests came back normal and that I am healthy. Am I going crazy? Then he tells me that I have "Panic, anxiety, depression disorder" Finally!! I could put a name to this craziness. He also "prescribed" StressCenter. I left feeling happy and relieved, at least for a little while. The cd's arrived on New Years Eve. So here I am, wondering how am I to excersize if I am afraid to leave the house? Can't go in the mornings because I cook lunch and dinner so he can to take to work. Is there anything I can do until I can get to town? Run in place.....?

Re: On "house arrest"

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:36 am
by Iwillbebetter
Congratulations on starting the program!! This is probably one of the best things you could do for yourself. I have 3 kids 2 of which are home all the time as they are 3 & 4. I understand the "house arrest" thing. I have put myself their also. I tell myself it's easier to just stay home. But really is it much hassle to put shoes and coats on?!?! Anyway as far as exercise, you don't have to leave the house to exercise?? I haven't yet. It's a little cold here to get out and walk or anything like that. Having kids we have a Wii which has "games" that are more exercise based. Our favorite right now is "just dance" for kids. It' really keeps us moving.

I know though my mom also started exercising recently and she doesn't do the video game stuff AT ALL. But she has a playlist of upbeat songs she will play and just dance and move around. She also got a few video's to work with. There is plenty you can do to exercise without leaving the house!! :) I utilize my stairs often also... don't want to buy a "stepper" thing with the kids... I could only imagine how that would work out :)

Best of luck :) Would love to hear what you come up with :)

Re: On "house arrest"

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:12 am
by mrben65
Also on "house arrest" as well. I have a 4 on/4 off work schedule and on the 4 days I am off, I stay at home, never leave the house. I need to do some type of physical activity but I sleep a lot during the day. No energy. We'll get through this. One day at a time.
