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Just started program

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:17 pm
by newhorizons
Hi! I have just started this program and I hope it will be able to help me. I have suffered from anxiety/depression for many years and thought that I was destined to just have to live this way the rest of my life. I am a mother of two small boys and wife to a wonderful man who deserves to have me at my best and I am getting this help for myself and them. I don't know about anyone else's symptoms but I just ALWAYS have this constant uneasiness and nervousness that seems like it comes from deep inside of me. It is easy for others to tell me to relax but I can NEVER relax. My mind is always busy worrying about things and planning things that I need to be doing. I feel guilty if I ever sit down because I feel like I should be doing something productive with my time-this CAN'T be normal to always feel this way!!! I feel like I am driving my own self CRAZY!!! I wish I could be more "normal" whatever that means...

Re: Just started program

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:58 am
by csipink123
I also am just starting the program..on lesson kinda tired of just existing..want to feel not be so negative all the time...due to childhood abuse..

Well feel free to reply anytime u need a friend to talk to ..

Have a good day.. :D

Re: Just started program

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 12:04 pm
Welcome to both of you. I have anxiety attacks and just started Session 3 today. I have found that some of the CD's help more than others. I get more out of Lucinda talking than I do when she has the group session in the middle of the CD, but so far I think they have been pretty good. I don't usually find too many people on this board, especially in mid-afternoon, so it was good to see some new posts. I work at a hospital at night on the weekends, so I'm on here quite a bit during the weekday. Keep reading them and posting them. Good luck to you both.