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Started the program this week

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:50 am
by TBagley
I am a 40 year old husband and a father of 2. (3 years, 9 years) My wife was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in June. Since has had Left mastectomy and 5 of 8 Chemo treatments. Needless to say my stress level has gone up. I was rushed to the ER on Tuesday night, Sep 20th for heart issues. BP was 146/103, Heart rate was 150, Oxygen was about 87. Blood tests were completed and Stress test was done. No heart damage. It was diagnosed as an SVT caused by stress, basically an Anxiety attack. I have been depressed before but never had a Anxiety attack like that. I thought I was going to die that night. I had ordered this program back in 2005 and used ot for my depression, Now I am back to it for my anxiety. I have high hopes that it will help me

Re: Started the program this week

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:19 am
I am so sorry to hear about your wife and I pray she will be well soon. I lost a sister many years ago to ovarian cancer and my youngest sister's husband just died in June from lung cancer leaving her with 2 teenagers to raise by herself, so I know where you are coming from. In your situation, anyone can understand why you are having a problem with anxiety, but just have faith that your wife will be ok and pray for her every day. Faith in God can do great things for a person.

Re: Started the program this week

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:26 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi TBagley, I'm sorry also to hear about your wife, I've lost a few people to BC. I hope that your wife will recover as well as some of my relatives have done. Your anxiety is understandable...Paislee