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just started...... help!!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 pm
by qutycute
hi every1. i just started, and i dnt know how many times i supposed 2 listen 2 each session....?? and also today im feeling really depressed, and i just wanna stay in bed all day, and im sick of that feeling!!!!! can ne body help??

Re: just started...... help!!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:24 pm
by Christina25
Hi qutycute,
You can listen to the sessions as many times as you want. Try not to do everything at once because it can be overwhelming, just pace yourself and give yourself enough time to let everything sink in. I listen to the audio sessions three times a week because there could be something I missed while listening to it the first or second time. I am re-starting this program because the first time, ill be honest, I wasn't as dedicated as I am now and stopped after session 8 because i didn't have "enough time", which was just an excuse.
As for the way you're feeling, I do think that this program can help with that too. I know exactly what you mean because I've been there too. It is NOT fun having depressed feelings and thoughts, but the more you stay in bed then the more you will continue to have those depressed feelings. You just have to get up and go! Take a walk outside or in your backyard for a few minutes, the fresh outdoors really did help me because it was kind of like a distraction. Or call a friend you haven't talked to in a while and have a nice conversation with them... anything to distract your mind. If that doesn't work, I also take SAM-e by naturemade and its actually helped me with my depression, you can find it at any drugstore and even target in the vitamin section or take 5-HTP (also in the vitamin section).
If you'd like we can work on this program together and check in with each other from time to time to see if we can help each other or even just to chat :) It would be great to have someone doing this program with me.

Re: just started...... help!!

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:56 pm
by qutycute
that would be great!!! i would looove 2 do the program with some1. and yes i do know about the sam-e pills, i have them, but when i take them i get really bad headaches. i have been taking ashwagandha, 5htp, st. johns wart. i have been doin that 4 a couple months now... just this past week, i feel more depressed then ever!! i mean, i have been dealin with this hard 4 almost 2yrs... i was creating an ocd, about my breathin, its been gettin better the past couple of weeks, but 4 a long time all i would think about is my breathing, and forcing myself 2 breathe. its really weird... mayb its part of the anxiety... it just sux!!! even out in public, its like i just wanna b a statue. i get so stiff around people. and i never used 2 b that way, i was always the center of attention, could talk 2 ne1. now i dont even want any1 2 look at me. then i also think that they will know something is wrong with me. or i start thinkin all these crazy things that they could b thinkin about me... so weird.. i know the things i think arent true, but they feel so real!! all negative thoughts feel real! i always think some1, whoever is around me, friends, family members, i always think they r thinkin the worse. and its like it kills something in me each time!! im not strong nemore, i dnt feel like i can do nething. i used 2 feel like i could do nething. not nemore. i havent had a steady job in over 2 yrs, my unemployment is about 2 run out in a week or 2! and i was supposed 2 b better by now!!!! :cry: n im not... im more down on myself, i dnt give myself ne credit, i just put myself down more n more!! and it sux!!!! i just want 2 b me again!!! and i dont know when or if that will ever happen!! im sorry im a very down under n depressed kind of person right now!! i hope i dnt bring u down!! i really hope u still want 2 do this 2gether! :)

Re: just started...... help!!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:07 pm
by Christina25
ABSOLUTELY! Don't worry we can still do the program together :) I think its great to have someone to go along with, it may make it easier and better. As for the SAM-e pills, when did you take them? and did you take them on an empty stomach? I take it when i wake up in the morning and don't eat for about a half hour after i take it. I think its helped me and I also take a 5-HTP that has the St Johns and other stuff, so it seems to be helping me out 50% the other 50 is all me and the way I think lol About the breathing, i understand what you mean but I never knew I was doing it until recently. I noticed that anytime I would get anxious I would hold my breath and stop breathing (but I didn't realize it) and i guess it just became a habit but the not breathing would then cause the dizziness and my heart to beat crazy!! BUT I really suggest you do the relaxation cd from this program it really does relax me and teaches my body how to breath right. So anytime you get anxious just stop take a deep breath in through your nose and count and exhale through your mouth and count, trust me the counting distracts you and you start to calm down, thats what's been helping me some of the time. I know you prob. think people are looking at you but in reality, they really aren't lol I used to be so bad with that and think omg are they looking at me? they know I have anxiety and depression and it would freak me out... I still think that way sometimes but im working on it. I have to remember they aren't staring and if they are who cares I won't ever see them again.
So after you wrote back to me how did you feel to get everything out? I hope it made you feel better, because I notice that when I keep a journal and write out all my feelings I tend to feel a little better. Anywho, when you said you don't feel strong anymore, again, I totally understand!! I at times feel the same way. There are times when I feel so alone and weak I feel that I'm never going to get better, but I also have my good days which I'm sure you do too. It looks like though that we focus more on the negative and don't praise ourselves for the positives in our lives... Getting over this is going to take some time but we just need to practice and tell ourselves that we will have some bad days and we aren't perfect but again with practice and someone helping us along the way we can get over this.
I have anxiety/depression and my problem is traveling long distances especially driving with others lol it sounds funny as I write it out but in the moment its like life or death to me lol I panic if I'm not in control... I have to be driving by myself, I can't drive with other people. I hate it because it limits me from seeing my family who live far away. I don't want to have those panicky feelings because I feel sick to my stomach and then worry omg what if people are looking at me and i freak out or get sick what do I do?! what will they think/say?!! I tend to focus a lot on the body symptoms and all that fun stuff lol
Have you started session 1 yet? I will be starting session 2 on Sunday or possibly Monday...

Re: just started...... help!!

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:12 pm
by qutycute
wow. not that im happy to hear what u r goin through, but im sooo happy that im not alone!! and yes it did feel a lil better 2 get it out, but at the same time i thought i might have scared u away.. like omg this chick is crazier n more depressed n she'll bring me down, let me get away.. lol. thats what i mostly thought!!! :( yea i do notice i do think about the negative alot. i took that test on here, i didnt finish readin all the results, but it was sayin how negative i think, and even when something is goin good, im so negative, that i just think about it not lastin, n not the time that im havin.. ya know in the moment. i do get kinda crazy drivin 2. like i think whoever is in the car with me, is thinkin in their head... what r u doin, idk.... that they r just thinkin or more like judgin what im doin, n it makes me loose concentration on what i m doin, then i get panicy... even when im alone 2... i get a lil frightened.. alot of the time, i dont feel like a real person.. its crazy!! sux 2!! especially when soo many ppl around u, like family, my gf, friends... like they really have no clue!!! lol. i was watchin the kardashians earlier, n when i was younger i used 2 always say the word like. like like... lolzzz. n since i watched it n they do, i feel like i been sayin it... neways... just wanted 2 get that out... yea the thinking about what ppl think around me really sux 2! especially ppl around me.. even though i know i will never c them again.. i just dnt have my confidence nemore, n im sure its cuz i gained alot of my weight back... idk if its cuz... well when i was younger i was molested from 6yrs old -14. then somethin happened when i was 20, then with some1 that i thought was a close friend 2 me n my gf, tried somethin when i was 23.. oh. btw. im 25.. how bout u? so some ppl have said i mayb made myself like this, ya know gained weight, as like a security so that im not hit on. but now i just feel so yuck about myself. then that hopeless n worthless feelin. n not interested in the things that i used 2 b interested in... its weird. n i cant stand how it takes over sometimes... well alot of the time.. i also talk 2 this family friend, shes a hypnotherapist, she had mentioned alot of good things about the sam-e pills. n she knows the herbal supplements i have been takin, i also c a psychologist, like once every couple months, n he gave me anti depresants, n anxiety meds. i didnt wanna take it 4 a while, cuz between my doc, n the psychologist, every month i saw them n i would say i feel the same or worse, they would give me a dif anti depresant. n it was like what the heck... but a few ppl have been tellin me that the anti depressant that i didnt wanna start has been pretty good.. so finally, long story short... lol. i started takin them a couple days ago, n idk. 2day i felt a lil better. not sure if it was cuz i kept myself busy, or what. but it was nice 4 a while! usually im really quiet, n have a bunch of racin thoughts.... thinkin all this nonsense... but not that much 2day... it was good.. i hope it lasts... how bout u? how have u been?? oh, n i started listening 2 session 2, i havent finished it cuz my batteries went dead. hopefully i rem 2 get sum 2nite.. but i really happy n excited that i have some1 2 go through this with... n hopefully we can both get our lives back!! that would be SWEET!!! i havent been writin 2 much, i no i should i have been told i should, but idk, sometimes i feel wierd about writing.... like im a weirdo!!!!!! lol..

Re: just started...... help!!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:35 pm
by freely85
Hello my name is Amanda I started having anxiety last October so about 4 months ago I am 26 yrs old I was taking 6 classes instead of the average 4 as a full time student I also worked part time at a law firm I was in a health class eating once a day not really sleeping and I am 97-103 lbs at 5'1 I get nervous about my weight I have never really been chunky I started studying like crazy drank a 5 hour energy drink without food and went to the hospital for hurt palpitations I started eating and exercising and I was fine my aunt died of breast cancer last month and I freaked our I got so super scared I was having panic attacks thought I was dying I was put on paxil and seroquel my Dr thought I was bipolar I went to see a psychologist who said I am not I just suffer from general anxiety I started getting red dots on my skin I researched like crazy my dermatologist said it was nothing I started going for std tests I am totally clean but I automatically thought the worst my dad introduces me to these tapes I do them on and off and now I am fully commited I dont want to drive my bf crazy he is massively supportive but I dont want to be a burden I get times where my heart races I get hot or cold clammy skin I have not shaken in a while its like suppressed and since my aunt died I am afraid of the night time I just want to be better and need support please help