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I need help fast!!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:50 pm
by tiffywebb
I am going through a very hard time now and have for months;( I have had ms since 2008 and it has been a very rough road for me but I wont go into details. I have a four yr old son and I dont know if my major depression is causing the problems that I am having mentally or the ms?? I have no interest in anything anymore, when I watch tv it is like staring at pictures cause nothing registers. I am very short tempered and dont care at all what I look like which is not me by any means. I have a hard time focusing and I fear that because of my depression I am only making my ms much worse!! It is very hard for me to talk to my husband, child, or just anyone because I dont know what to say and I never smile;( Any comments would help because I dont want to be admitted somwhere if I can somehow help myself. Will this help me or am I beyond help??
:( :(

Re: I need help fast!!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:06 pm
by mj44
you know tiff first breath...slowly inhale threw ur nose for 2 one thousand 2 one thousand.............then exhale threw ur mouth for 4 seconds one one thousand 2 one thousand 3 one thousand 4 tiff i could only imagine what ur goin threw...but from what i understand depression is a symptom of ms......but u just started the program and this program can help with anxiety and can give u the tools to manage these problems....i am the same way...i used to be so funny and outgoin and im fighting my way back....god has a plan for us all...and im so sorry u have m.s i will pray for u....but it seems like u want to fight and ur on the right start