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Misdiagnosed 10 years ago and cant get rid of anxiety now

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:19 pm
by mj44
Hi to anyone whos going to read the age of 19 i was misdiagnosed with genital herpes...i didnt know what to do i wanted to die i felt alone...even when the test results came back negative the dr said they werent very i lived 9 years beleiving i was infected with something i wasnt...maybe it was a blessing in disguise because i wasnt very careful when i was 19...anyway during that time i was taking valtrex and i didnt need to and i hid this from people i dated and i always worried i was gonna infect them even though i didnt have the disease and thats were it all began...i know thats terrible..but i wasnt infected...i never had a positive result and i never infected a year ago i went and got tested again and everything came back normal....drs and specialists confirmed i have very sensitive skin and i have penile papules and i had a male yeast infection do to my foreskin.. and i was never infected...i was so relieved and i thought that was the end to my anxiety..but its wont go someways its gotten worse...i have become ocd with washing my hands..and i have stupid unrealistic thoughts that keep my anxiety i know this sounds stupid but this thought drove me insane and caused so much anxiety after 3 years i finally opened my cds..and i started with session one..even though i bought the tapes 8 years ago i gave up cause i thought i was infected and i didnt care..but now i want my life back...only question i have is how long do i spend on session one because it seems to me that im pretty aware so when i can i start session 2..and i hope this works cause i feel so alone sometimes do to my anxiety...i miss life

P.S no offense to anyone its just my personal experience and the way i handled it