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can anybody help! please

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:46 pm
by hacv6048
how can i be conscious of my inner dialogue? how can i find out what my inner dialogue is? i mean i can't even remember what it is like to think clearly and concise cause i've been battling with anxiety and/or depression or viceversa that i forgot what it's like to talk to myself cause i'm always like talking myself but in a subconscious way and its most likely to quite my mind, i don't know if i'm making sense here, but it is like my focus is more towards not thinking and trying not to feel depressed or show that i'm anxious when i'm around people and if i'm alone well it is like if my mind goes into like this imagination state to keep me from thinking negative, like i can just daze off into like an issuein my life but i'll make like a whole scenario in my head about it. I'm so confused because i am so tired of not living and keeping myself from keeping myself depressed because i'm anxious or keeping myself anxious because i'm depressed. anyway can anybody help me figure out the best way to approach week one and what would be the best thing to do thank you

Re: can anybody help! please

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:36 pm
by drea296
first off, relax :) if you are anxious, or having panic attacks...tell yourself, this is ok. I'm anxious, but I am not going to die, I am not going to flip out. This will pass. I'm safe, and I will get through this. Breathe.
Just do the best you yourself up to the first chapter,take it all in. It will just get better and better. Don't give up hope. We're all right there with you :)

Re: can anybody help! please

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:00 pm
by hacv6048
thank you drea...i really keep feeling like it could work for me. i hope that it does because i cannot wait to live, i feel like im not living and it doesn't matter how much i keep telling myself i can do this it can just become a problem to keep focused.
talking about focused, you know i was listening to the tape two nights ago it was the very first time and i'm not sure in which audio cd it was on but i heard that people like us don't live in the moment. it was like wow!!! it was like it spoke to me like it was meant for me to hear that because it makes sense for me. i feel like i'm disconnected from the world from people because of my depression and because of my anxiety, i can't wait until i can get control of my mind and my thoughts, whats funny is that ever since i heard that live in the moment thing i keep trying to focuse on living in the every single moment even if it means to just look out of the window and look , to actually observe whatever it is that i'm looking at and keep myself in the moment instead of feeling like i'm looking beyond my horizons, it's like if i'm looking for something like looking past the things that are in front of me, i hope i can make sense and explain what i'm feeling good enough for you to comprehend. ok well thank you very much for talking to me and keep hope alive cause i keep living even of it is to keep on fighting against this depression and anxiety. take care for now bye

Re: can anybody help! please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:04 pm
by I care
Well, I can tell you one of the things that helped me was to use a timer. I set it to go off every hour and asked myself what was I just thinking about. That helped me to monitor my thoughts. A watch with an alarm or a kitchen timer should work fine. Eventually you will do this without aid of an alarm. Hope this helps because I care.

Re: can anybody help! please

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:32 pm
by Polaris
I really like the timer idea!