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Hard to Get Started

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:05 pm
by ameres61
I bought the program several weeks ago. At first I was excited to start the program, listened to the lesson 1 tape and did the homework. I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life. I am now 42. I don't know why I just can't seem to focus and continue. Kinda scared to face change but I know my life would be better than it is now. Has anyone felt this way? My anxiety and depression are with me every day. At nightime, my anxiety and depression are better because soon I will go to sleep, all is quiet outside and I can relax. Then the daylight is here and I hate to get up because my day will be filled with worry and sadness. Is anyone else experiencing this or can anyone relate to what I am feeling? I brought the program book to work with me and tonight after seeing my doctor will really try and listen to the lesson 1 and concentrate.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:30 pm
by Steven_2000
Yes, I can relate. I was also pretty excited to start the program. It seems that just starting the program has made my daily anxiety worse. Now that I have been thinking so much about the issues they are always on my mind and seem to weigh heavier. So naturally I’m not as excited as I was, but I’m just trying to keep in mind the end goal. I know that anything worth doing is probably going to include some level of difficulty so I’m trying not to get discouraged and work through it the best that I can.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:58 pm
by big_sims1
Hi my name is Mitchell I just received the program today. I am worried is it really going to work because it is kind of expensive. I would really like to hear your feed back and tell me what you are experiencing as you are going through the program.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:19 pm
by jsmith1006
My name is John.

I just started looking at my package today. I have had my materials for a couple of days, but as with everything else right now, I find it is difficult to get started with anything. I put things off, because it is scary to start and make commitments right now, starting, I guess, with myself. I feel like a failure and I feel like I have made a huge mess of my life. I am hopeful these lessons will help put me on a positive path. I know it starts with me. I am feeling very low though and don't know if I trust myself or if I have very much confidence in myself right now. Some days are better than others. The weekends are probably the worst, because I have a lot of free time and not a lot of interaction. I am busy during the week and my endeavors and the people I work with keep my mind somewhat preoccupied, though not always. This is worse on the weekends, I suppose. I have a teenage son, and I fear letting him down. I don't want to do that.

Anyway, I welcome my fellow students in this who feel the way I do. I hope to be able to gain wisdom and support from this forum, and hope that I may be able to reciprocate as I progress. I do not feel very wise right now, though.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:08 pm
by TGNJ55
Hi amers61,
I've had my materials since 2006 and only got as far as Session 1. So you're not alone in your procrastination. I just listened to Lesson 1 again last night. I read through the answers in my workbook that I had entered back in 04/2006 today. Not a whole lot has changed. I'm going to try to do the relaxation tape tonight. My problem now is making sure I still have all the stuff. I had one flash card stuffed in the back of my workbook, so now I have to see if I can find the rest. If you want to start today, maybe we can connect next Saturday and see how the week went? That invitation's good for anyone else who reads this. Keep the faith. Talk to you next week if not sooner.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:54 am
by big_sims1
Well I am on session 3 I really cant stay on one session a week that is to hard for me I want to learn and I feel if I go faster and digest more I will get relief from my depression and anxiety faster. I found that the weekends were the hardest for me as well I would go to school every day for the week but when the weekend came I would just sit in my apartment and not do anything because I was to nervous to leave. I have a very hard time with social anxiety and thinking people are thinking things about me. I really want this to work I want to free myself from these chains I like to call anxiety and depression. So I got a job so that I would be able to get out of my apartment and stay busy. I wish I had more friends I am a friendly person but for someone reason no one wants to hangout with me. It makes no sense to me. Well I hope yall read this and give me your feed back. I know we can do it we just have to support each other.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:02 am
by finallyhere
good morning to all who responded, I am Finallyhere, and am starting day 2. I can only have hope in this program. Tried before, but must admit, wasn't really trying at all. Always think I have the answer. Run and hide from insight, do anything to cover the pain. My life has to change or my only other choice is to commit myself. I would hate to look back and find out that honesty and support from others sharing similar pain could have been the answer. I do not kid myself that this is going to be easy going. Insight is very painful to deal with. Can't continue on the path I've been, and hope that all of you starting out at this time, believe.... you don't get something for nothing. Wasted too much time blaming others for my pain. I need to learn how to put the spin on my emotions.... Best of luck to everyone today. My lesson for today is to remember to smile. It's ok to look happy. And the feeling could actually follow. It would certainly change how people respond to me if I smile. Smile. :)

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:09 pm
by TGNJ55
I know how you feel Sims. In the past 5 years, I've listened to tape 1 so many times I feel like I know it by heart. But I'm one of Lucinda's perfectionists, and felt like I couldn't go further unless I "waited a week, listened to the relaxation tape 3 times a day (impossible), etc. I think I'll take a queue from you and just start Lesson 2. Does anybody else listen to the relaxation tape 3 times a day? Who has time? In the back of my head I'm thinking I'm failing because I can't relax enough to listen to the relaxation tape 3 times a day! :lol: I'm messed up! :D I have the social anxiety like you Sims. No friends, no social life. Easier to be at home with my husband and son, although neither of them make me happpy. You say no one wants to hang out with you. Do you ask people to do stuff with you, or do you just hope other people with invite you to do stuff? I'm always afraid to initiate anything. I think it's a commitment thing, you know? If I start a friendship, then I'll have to actually return phone calls and remember birthdays... I don't know if I'm just selfish or making excuses so I don't have to be close to anyone. That's it for now. Thanks for listening. I'll take all the feedback I can get everybody. Goodnight.

Re: Hard to Get Started

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:33 am
by Lostone24
Hi everyone

I hear you about getting started. It's HARD. But just keep going. Do as much as you can. That's all you can do. Don't worry about having enough time to do everything. every little bit helps. I know all of you can do it. I'm on session two. I think the most important and most difficult thing is to be honest with yourself. That's why we all feel worried about what's going to happen if we finish the program. Im worrying about what I could find out about myself. That's scary. But it's also exciting. I'm trying to see the positive side of things. Nothing ventured nothing gained....or so they say. There are also infinite reasons that can be presented to justify not doing things. What we think we become...Buddha.