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helping others to understand

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:00 pm
by lorilou
I had my first full blown panic attack in early May. I had no idea what it was and thought i was dying. I went to the ER twice. Thankfully a social worker there recognized my symptoms (after physiological tests revealed no problems) as panic disorder. I began seeing a therapist right away and within a week or so I began to get a better handle on the panic attacks. I started this program less than a week ago and I know I am on the right track. I still have anxious moments but I have learned how to cope better. One thing that I am struggling with is helping my husband to understand about panic disorder. He is a military officer (and a great husband) but just can't understand what I am going through with this. Part of this is that he has never experienced a panic attack himself (thank goodness!) and part is that his line of work sees it as a weekness and would probably say just "suck it up and drive on". How do I help him understand?

Re: helping others to understand

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:49 am
by ariel2477
i guess you watch that cd well i think it is supposed for your husband to watch alone. but do not let him read your tells you this in lesson 1 cd or lesson 2 cd. That is if he is open to it. Some people are not.Then we have to make our way as best we can alone and WE must overcome it for ourselves for it to work.

Re: helping others to understand

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:29 am
by Paisleegreen
I agree, I wouldn't let you husband read the workbook, because then he will be expecting you to do all that is suggested in the workbook and probably in a timely manner. It is for your eyes only. as if you were in Therapy with a therapist. Most men don't understand these type of feelings and my father was like that as well. So it was very hard on me when I was suffering from depression and he had no clue. Long story...and this was after I had been out of the home for many years and married with children.

I'm having difficulty with a 20 year old son who still lives at home, that has an attitude of how I should be feeling and doing things. So be on strengthening yourself by the help of a therapist and the kind people here. Paislee