I'm 21 feel horrible

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by Kiah » Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:15 am

Well, I think I have always worried about my health I was in 8th grade playing football got elbowed in my throat and everything started to swing and change colors I fell to my knees and yelled for my friend I never did pass out but sure thought I was dying, for like 3 days after that I felt dizzy and worried about it like I was dying obviously I was not cause 5-7 years later I'm still kickin.

Now, just recently my life has been just going downhill. Since July or August one day woke up went to the bank had class that day and felt so refreshed and good full of energy then while driving all the sudden everything swung and i became very light headed and of course started to panic went home laid down took a 30 min nap and got up to head to class and my blance was so messed up i was walking sideways tried to shake it off and drive to school made it to school got out of my car felt so sick i threw up and felt dizzy of course I was worrying non-stop. Well since that day it has been horrible, and to make it all worse my 27 yr old brother committed suicide in late August and it messed with me bad. My dad got on some depression meds well my brother was on meds so I'm to scared to take any plus I'm very religious and don't think anti-depression meds help. My mom ordered this program for me I'm on day 7 now. It is helping to a certain degree but I feel like I'm falling back down agin over the last 2 days.

I'm mainly always worried about passing out cause I feel my balance is off when its not I always think I'm dizzy and light headed and think I'm going to pass out, I always have this high feeling and the back of my head feels heavy all the time, had a CT Scan and everything came back fine...blood work done like 3 times since September as well. Everything comes back normal also had a 24 hr heart monitor hooked up and that came back fine took a stress test that came back fine so it has to be all in my head and fear.

Anyone here have those symptoms dizzy/lightheaded/heavy head (feels like a weight)/tired ALWAYS

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Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:16 am

Post by BookOfPsalms » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:28 am

Hi Kiah,
Yes, I had the heavy feeling in the back of my head shortly after I started having this condition. It lasted several weeks then finally started to subside. I also felt dizzy often.
You are going through a rough time, please be good to yourself and give yourself time to get past your grief.
Use the relaxation tape often and keep us informed of how you are doing. I will include you in my prayers.
Hang in there, you are going to be fine. Everything is going to be alright, you'll see.
God Bless,
+Let The Word Do The Work!+


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:36 am

Just thought I'd share some kind words my wife emailed me at work when I was going through my most difficult time with this condition:

"Take a deep breath, release any expectations about how this will move forward, just be observant of how it does change."

"Acknowledge the changes you notice, give thanks for what you have and the improvements as they come and the other blessings in your life."


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:56 am

Dear Kiah,

I can see clearly why you have anxiety. Please see this for yourself and have compassion for yourself. Allow those feelings to come and go and embrace that little person inside who really needs your acceptance and love right now. Keep working the program as best you can. You will heal from this. Start accepting all those feelings coursing through you. Don't resist them anymore. Go to a mirror and acknowledge how horrible you feel and remind yourself that this will one day pass. See yourself as a small child and talk to yourself the way you would a small child. Soothe, comfort, nuture. Your mom and dad are handling things in the best way they can, and now you must do the same. Your mom is an angel for getting you this program. Work it slowly but consistently. Keep in touch with us.

You are not alone in this. Use your breath work all the time. Practice your breath work and then notice your breath while you drive. Notice it while you walk around the house. Notice it as you do EVERYTHING. Breathe into those feelings and do your best to not judge them by focusing on your breath. Thought will come in to claim you right now, so just keep bringing yourself to the breath or to something you are doing in the present moment. It's OK if you do not want to take meds. You don't have to. It's an option for you if you ever change your mind but you certainly do not need them to heal, but, also don't feel you can't take them if you feel too overwhelmed right now and decide to go on them temporarily.

I also wanted to let you know, Kiah, that your symptoms of lightheadedness, etc. are very normal for anxiety. They are just feelings and can not hurt you.

I'm so glad you have joined us. You are in the right place.

Keep in touch.


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:27 pm

Thank you, you all help me. I will keep you all posted on how I'm doing. :)


Post by Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:42 pm

I'm 22, and have experienced what you have! I have felt dizzy, and wobbly and have never ever passed out, and you won't either. Human beings are VERY resilient.

This might sound strange but think of this- think of how many human beings go through war, they see their friends get murdered, they live day to day ni fear of their lives in Sudan/Iraq etc. they are fine, they get on with life, anxiety and all.

Think of heroin addicts, abusing their bodies as they do, they are probably ridden with anxiety, they carry on functioning.

I know this might all sound strange but these thoughts help me! I figure 'hey, I'm a happy, healthy human being'! and YOU ARE TOO!!!

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