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Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:47 pm
by Guest
:(This feeling is a real frowner. I hate it so much. I felt this way half the summer, I was starting to feel like I had a brain tumor or something was wrong with me. This feeling is half the reason I hate even going to the store..many times the floor doesn't feel real, like i'm walking on air and I can't feel my hands on the cart..Sometimes I'll squeeze them together just to make sure I can still feel them.. and I feel so unsure of myself I like to hold a cart to steady myself. Taking medcations only has enhanced this unreal feeling. I had two scary moments when I took Xanax..I felt that same "stranger in the mirror" my face looked like it was far away and the floor looked distorted, almost as if I was wearing glasses that were too strong and they make everything look distorted. Also, I took this medication that is supposed to stop a panic attack when you're having one, but it slowed my heart down to the point that when I woke up, I didn't feel like I had the strength to make it down the stairs to the bathroom, I think it was called calanipan(Don't remember how to spell it). The walls and floor looked very distorted. I have noticed that alot of times when I'm having these "unreal" feelings, I feel like colors on the t.v. look intense..such as reds and greens almost look neon and the outside light is very hard to take, almost as if I have to hold my hands over my eyes to walk outside. I can't wait for this unreal experience to go away for good!

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:08 pm
by Guest
I've been feeling like that for a couple of days now, but I know it will go away. I think about positive things and do positive things as well. I laugh and smile. I listen to the relaxation audio a couple of times a day. I go out even though I feel like staying in the house.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:20 am
by Guest
LeeAnn Sanzo,
The Xanax was a main contributor to me developing the depersonalization so badly with the stranger in the mirror part. Xanax and I are not friends. Now, doctors will admit that that's what it was, but back then they wouldn't listen to me. I also had that other reaction you're talking about too. For me, finding a good therapist, and doing this program was what I had to do, but it did take a while for the depersonalization to go away. It's so much better now. I just want you to know you are not alone.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:27 am
by Guest
i get this really badly.. everyday for 4 years!!! I took anti depressants for a while but thye just made me more zombie like... wonder how u get rid of it?

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:59 am
by Guest
Yes I feel this a lot too! It's so hard to explain, but by reading your post I can relate and say this has been going on for me for quite some time. I hope as I get through the program it goes away. I am in week two. Do you notice any changes yet, what week are you in?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:03 pm
by Guest
oh yes, i know the feeling. the disrealization feelings have been such a irratiating part component with my anxiety. after many experiences with these feelings, i have very gradually come to the self-relization that it will eventfully subside, and it won't hurt me. I have an interest in philosophy, so it's difficult for me to learn about the metaphysical theories of Berkeley and Hume, but regardless, I know the disrealization feelings is merely a reaction to anxiety. don't worry, you'll be okay. trust me, i've been through it many of times. at times, the feeling are unbearable. nevertheless, it passes.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:53 pm
by Guest
I think all of the advice here is great but I would like to add one more thing. I have this feeling from time to time and don't forget to exercise! TRULY! Walking doesn't really work for me. If you can run/jog so that your heartbeat is above 100bpm for at least 10 mins this will help. It really makes me feel better.
Just remember, your negative thoughts are your enemy. You will find every excuse not to go out and run.. Exercising realeases cortisol which makes you feel better.
Remember do the opposite to which your anxiety/depression tells you to.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:26 am
by Guest
iv been getin these feelings since i stopped cannabis about 6 months ago...i got every symptom i can think of with unreality and anxiety thinking everything was wrong with me . the unreality came about 2 months ago. and gets better and somedays worse depending how stressed and anxious i am. what you should note is anxiety is just you being afraid of the way you feel.basically your afraid of being afraid. once you realise that at the other end of your fear is nothing then you start to get a little less anxious. and as for the unreality thats an offshoot of anxiety and constantly checking how you feel and all this self focus. the only way to beat it is to let it be there and not keep checking in on the feeling. it is temporary in nature and your fear keeps it alive dont pay it attention. if anyone needs more help contact me im no expert but iv done alot of research on this so i kind of am a expert.

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:34 am
by Guest
i feel like it some time .. and if it ant that its thinking of some thing else .. like my eyes going funny or other stuff .. i no the things i think are just part of Anxiety but just cant stop thinking of them .. feel down and stress in moreing to ..