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Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 8:23 am
by Chantal
Dear Melissa,

I see both the floaters and the debris (jelly thing) I had the debris long b/4 my anxiety kicked in and the eye doctor explained what it was, so it doesn't bother me. The most bothersome thing to me is the way me eyes "shake". It's like they vibrate inside. I believe it is the stress on my nerves that causes the shaking. I didn't get this until this summer when we built a new home (among other things) and my stress level shot up. It's like on a hot day when you see those "waves of heat" shimmering off the asphalt...that's the best way I can describe it. It's like I am shaking from the inside out. It's not really a big deal, I know it will go away, but it's seems like it really does take a long time for your nerves to heal. I don't get alot of sleep and I think that is key. I have small children and they the youngest got chicken pox on christmas eve, and the his two older brothers are sure to follow. I tried a small amount of LSD once, 13 years ago, but it didn't seem to affect me. I don't think this is drug related b/c I never had these visual problems until after the stressful summer...and considering you have the exact same symptoms and have never tried it. I think it's just the chemical changes that have occured in my brain. I have had generalized anxiety for 3 years, and then depression developed more strongly this summer as my stress went up. I am feeling much better and know I can find my way out. My physical symptoms have gone down 90%, except the eye thing and that I think is largely due to the "shakes" I described. I will be OK and so will you. I just need to stop searching for an "answer" to the eye problem (if you know what I mean). Acceptance has been the hardest thing for me, but it never fails, after I TRULY accept a's gone! Simple as that. I still haven't quite got there with the visual disturbances...but it will come.
Hope we all get better soon!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 12:33 pm
by Guest
I have had visual problems for the past 7 years. I thought I was absolutely the oly person in the World going through this because I have had numerous eye doctors and neurologists tell me that they couldn't find anything wrong with my eyes.
But it has progressively gotten worse over the years and I have noticed it gets worse with every stressful situation.
And I have been sooo worried about my vision over the years and that stresses me even more, leading it to become worse...
But I am glad to know that I am not the only person who has suffered from this.
My vision "problems" are, I see "spots" constantly (it actually started with the spots) severe sensitivity to light, sometimes double vision, I see "trails" behind moving objects, sometimes I see halos around people, and just recently after a really stressful time, my vision has become shaky.
It's hard for me because I have just "dealt" with this for the past 7 years of my life always searching for some kind of answer and praying for some kind of miracle only to wake with much disappointent. (as with my panic disorder)
But I have faith that I will get through this, it is just going to take time.
Thank you for listening,

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 2:48 pm
by MelissaC
I also have the heat waves and vibrating vision. I notice that carpet seems to "simmer" or vibrate. Do you see that?

How is your night vision? Is it affected like mine - where you see lots of "static" or tv-like snow?

Just like to know what others see. I really believe it is anxiety related - but connected somehow to brain chemistry.


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 5:27 pm
by Chantal
Dear Melissa,

I laughed when I read your last post...that's EXACTLY where I see the "waves" most is in the carpet...and we just built a new home with berberj, so now I REALLY notice I go and check to see how "bad" a day it is by looking down at the carpet.
Small waves...not bad, larger, faster, waves...look out!! haha <IMG SRC=""> I actually got out my Dr. Claire Weekes book Hope and Help for Your Nerves and she describes this "asphalt" thing as a symptom of anxiety. So it is a safe bet the others are as well. I have dropped all my other physical symptoms, but the eye things....maybe that's why I notice it so much now, because it's the only one left. These are my disturbances.
1. see stripes or patterns as "waves"
2. see white spots that float around when I
look at something clear or the sky
3. see halos around people
4. after images, especially if I look at a
dark object and then look at a light surface, or vice versa
5. can't seem to focus sometimes and I feel
like I have to blink alot
6. my eyes tear alot, especially at the end
of the day when I am reading in bed.
7. lights streak at night, but I don't have
the static you described
8. things have shadows around them
9. I have a clear "string-like" thing in
my left eye that appears in my vision, but
when I blink it floats away. Doctor said
this was normal, and it's been around for
atleast 5 years with me.

It is all related to eye strain. Our nerves are sensitized and that's the cause. Our nerve endings in our eyes are sensitized. I am willing to bet my bottom dollar on it. Doctors can call it whatever they want, and sometimes make things up when they don't have a diagnosis. It's all anxiety and it will go away as soon as we learn to take the finger off the "anxiety button". I am getting there....this is the toughest one, b/c my aunt, mother, and grandmother all have macular degeneration and are almost blind. (not my mom, she only has it in one eye)
My eyes were weak to begin with, so this is probably where the anxiety manifests itself moreso than other places. I also have noticed them bothering me since I started using the computer more (work related). I can still see 20/20 with my glasses or contacts, and that's the important thing. I am going to see the optomotrist after the new year to have a checkup (haven't had one in 3 years) just to make sure there aren't any tears in the retina or something and then I am going to "let it go".
Take Care,

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 10:04 pm
by MelissaC
That's strange you mentioned your family history of eye disease. My mom has a rare corneal disease that will require cornea transplants to save her sight. It is hereditary, but I have no signs as of yet. When I found this out, I went into an anxiety tailspin. I was worried for her and selfishly, for myself in the future. I soon began developing stringy floaters and then the other visual "weirdness" came on slowly but has been at it's peak since May. During this whole time, I believed I had MS because my anxiety symptoms (tingling, numbness, the works) were at a sky high level. 24/7 adrenalin rushes.

My eyes were my weakness. I even used to wake up as a small child in a panic that I had gone blind, only to search frantically for the digital display on my alarm clock to calm myself down.

The anxiety monster knew our weakness and settled there. I'm just hoping I can reclaim my vision someday.

I would list my visual symptoms, but there are so many I would bore you to sleep. I have all that you describe and more. I even have a blind spot in my central vision at night. This fuzzy mass of nothing that really freaks me out. That strange symptom as well as others are what point the doctors toward the migraine diagnosis.

I will admit that I read about most of my symptoms somewhere on the net before developing them. Power of the mind????? I wish I knew.

For now, I am fairly content with the migraine/anxiety diagnosis. I believe they both play a part in my case. I am comforted to know that others like me are out there - even though I wish you didn't suffer too!



Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 11:31 am
by Guest
How is everyone doing with their eye trouble?
I have found that since I have stopped stressing about it so much, it hasn't gotten any worse. <IMG SRC=""> Which makes me feel so much better! I am so glad to know that I am not going through this alone, but I am also saddened that anybody should have to go through this.
It is a bad experience, I must say but I have faith that it will get better.
God Bless,

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 12:36 pm
by happygirl
I just wanted to add in.. That I have been having the weird vision things too ( all of them, spots, floaters, shaky, light sensitivity, halo's etc) I have changed my contacts so many times my eye doctor thinks im crazy, I will try and let this symptom go.. I find that when I sort of focus on seeing is when it happens ( does that make sense?) I also wondered if it was from crying too much like they are strained.

anyway just wanted to validate what everyone is feeling. Its another perk of anxiety!

Chantal: I actually thought this could have been from the lingual nerve damage <IMG SRC=""> (Hahahaha!!)

[This message has been edited by happygirl (edited 01-05-2002).]

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 9:15 pm
by MelissaC
Well, things are still the same here. I am trying really hard to accept it as anxiety, but it is sooooo hard when blindness has truly been something I have feared forever and now this is happening to my eyes. The "what if" thinking is horrible.

Happy Girl - how long have you had vision trouble? Does your doc think it's anxiety too?

Wish you all the best!


Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 9:08 am
by happygirl
My vision has been better ever since i realized I was trying to see weird things, if I forget about it it seems to get better ( or im more relaxed and the my heart isnt racing) My theory on this is that when we are anxious it lets out adrenaline, causing everying to be hypersensative our eyes are very sensative anyway and now they are just heightened. And I notice if I had been crying alot my vision is always off a little.

the other thing is that I recently got a new pair of glasses ( i wear contacts during the day and glasses at night or when Im home) and with my glasses I see red highlights around things if I look out from the corner of my eye - this was one of the things that kicked off my first panic episodes. It took me a good month to realize it is the cut of the lense ( i would take off the glasses or put on my contact and it would go away). Also when I wear my contacts I see halo's out of my left eye ( I freaked out because I thought it was double vision (a sign of MS)) but again realized it would go away when I took my contacts off.

funny what we do to ourselves!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 10:49 am
by Lee0410
This symptom also comes from Optical Migraines also prone to anxiety sufferers..
You dont always get the headache so no one thinks its a migraine but optical migraines cause shooting bolts, dots that move..floaters..fuzzy vision that gets bad then clears up...squiggley lines..Got em all went thru tests and it was optical migraines..Worth a shot to see if that is it...
Good luck
Lee(havent been on the forum in a long time)