feeling overwhelmed

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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feeling overwhelmed

Post by krissd79 » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:17 pm

Hi, well what can I say, I'm new to this program and I'm very hopeful that its going to work and all the emotional things I feel inside. First let me tell you guys a brief description about myself. I'm 31 have 3 boys ages 14, 12, and 9. I've been suffering with anxiety since 2004. Sometimes its bad and sometimes its leveled but its always there. Just recently I started having panic attacks at work so I did what a lot of people do in this situation, I quit. Been unemployed for a few months now and I'm just so ready to just get on with my life. A few things that I have been through in the past few years is my close brother past away in 06, my dad 6 months later and my best friend which was my mom is 08. I've had a hard time dealing with this and still grieve a lot and of course feel lonely. I've always had unstable relationships because I've enjoyed the single life going out to the bars meeting new friends. I'm in a relationship now and feel like it adds more to my anxiety, not sure why. I also have a hard time letting the past be the past. I hold onto happy memories of a nice house and a steady although stressful job with me. I feel a lot of guilt when I fail. I want to go back to school and get a career, but the anxiety has a hold of me. I drink a few beers almost everyday because it would relax me or out of boredom but that would make me feel guilty as well! And not to mention it seems lately that it intensifies my panic attacks. Its getting to a point where I'm having them at home. I ordered this program in hopes that it works but of course of me saying it that way I sound negative, is there anybody that has found good results with the program. Its my 3rd day with it so I'm not gonna rush through it.

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