What are the Common things that you all have suffered?

You will gain an understanding of the causes of anxiety and depression as well as some of the background traits, personality traits, and physical symptoms.
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Post by ryan0099 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:12 pm

I just feel sometimes that I am alone in this and that knows exactly what I'm going through. But sounds like on here that their could be some similar things pople have. Would anyone care to talk some more about what they feel and think about when in a general mood and also what you feel on worse moments.?

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Post by Mystikal1231 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:11 am

Ryan - not sure what you are looking for exactly.... but in short - I beleive that I have "general anxiety". Doesn't take much to get my heart racing. My mind is always going... I have a low self-esteem. A lot of the times when I'm out I think people are talking about me... IDK...
** How can you give love to others, or recieve love of others - if you can not 1st love yourself? **

Laurie U
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Post by Laurie U » Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:12 am

hi i used to feel alone. i am doing better with that. the chat rooms help me alot. i do that when i feel i cant talk to my family. it makes me feel better everytime. i just restarted the program this week. i was doing better then had some things happen and kind of went backwards. i am hopeful. i have a problem getting motivated so i have put off the exercise. i have cut out the caffeine and am trying to do that with the sweets too. i have anxiety attacks everyday i am on xanax for it. it helps but i have had my attacks for over 2 years now. very frustrating at times. i am here if you ever want to talk more. take care.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:03 pm

New here, but would have to say I have fearful feelings. I don't watch any TV shows with murder in them. So that eliminates a lot of TV shows. Stopped CSI shows before my anxiety showed up as a panic attack. So just think of all TV shows that talk about murder and other acts of violence against people and animals. Not just the glorified TV shows, but talk or investigative type. I use to watch them all the time with no problem, but then I had been on anti-depressants at the time. I don't miss watching these TV shows either. Life is more peaceful feeding my brain with positive thoughts.

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Post by creamcheesepuff » Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:31 pm

As I became older more fears have been generated in me over time. The TV, radio, news in general puts a negative spin on everyones life in the world. And I beleive the more sensitive people, the ones who care, have close family ties, pets, and want to help others are mostly affected. Feeling out of control fuels most fear. We in this time of our lives have seen alot happen and we are being fed the negative all the time every day with what to worry about. Anything can occur in anyones life at any certain time. But we must all realize we cannot control the world, most of the people in it and situations and circumstances that occur around us. We ourselves must stir up, generate, and bring our minds into a state of calm. By doing this slowly and assuredly every day we can change those negative patterns we created over the years. The BIG QUESTION everyone should ask themselves on this site is..." Do I deserve to feel this way, why am I doing this to myself, and I can make myself feel alot better....the answer is within you, YOU ARE THE ONE THAT HAS THE CONTROL over most situations and its the way you react to them that will change your view toward "Fear and uncertainty".

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Post by Paisleegreen » Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:45 pm

Very good, CreamPuff! I love your MAD dude avatar! Brings back memories indeed! I always loved the back cover of the Mag where you had to fold it to get an answer. If only life was that easy. :o) I'm learning to work on how I react to things or people as well. Sometimes, in my world, no matter what I do, some people just are not happy, and they have to let me know it.

I count my blessings and change what I can, but otherwise, I can't fret over what other people say or do. I'm learning the hard way that my children are not little anymore nor do they want or care for my opinions or advice. So I've learned to listen and keep my mouth shut unless it is necessary for my health to speak up. I'm learning timing and sensitivity to their circumstances and mental health is crucial.

Sometimes they just have to experience a broken heart, and be left alone. Other times they need some Kudos, etc. I just have to work on me so that I like you say, don't get stirred up or anxious, but also remember to forgive myself if I do make a blunder. Admit it and work at making it right if it can be done. I've also learned to forgive more, and let go of some past hurts. This has really been helpful in my life, that is for sure. It has really helped with family relationships and old friendships that has had some conflict. I'm so glad to be on this forum, thanks Lucinda.

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Post by grc47 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:07 am

Hi ryan0099, this is my first post on this forum. Yes I do feel alone in a crowded room. I feel like the room is caving in on me and my best resort is to go outside and try to calm down. I have tried to go shopping and getting into the store is a problem but once inside I want to leave as soon as possible. I am working on this, amybe its my low self esteem.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:54 am

Hi GRC47,
I was wondering if you have had some bad experiences in a crowded room or have been embarrassed or teased while you were with a large group of people?

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