Considering drugs- any success stories?

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by aussiegal » Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:31 pm

I've had anxiety for a long time, many years, but it has been really bad for the last 9 months. I have been going to therapy with little or no relief. I tried the program, but stopped after week 3 as it was making me obsess over my anxiety & made my panic attacks worse. I am at my witts end & because of that I am considering medication. I am totally against it & have always felt that it would be like putting a band-aid on the problem. I feel like it is my last & only chance left. I cannot live this way anymore..... I'm about to loose my job & my husband. I can't go anywhere or do anything without a having a panic attack & coming home (& thats if I can get myself out the door to begin with). So, I see lots of negatives on drugs....anyone have a positive story?

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by Rainydays » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:36 pm

Hi Aussiegal

I noticed your post that was sent back in July, hopefully you may get to read this. I too was in the same situation as you. My panic attacks have been with me for a long time but not really bad. They did become severe in 2008. I went to dinner with my husband one night in 2008. As we were approching the resturant I had a severe panic attack. I didn't really know what it was, thought I was having a heart attack or something. I told my husband to call 911, he said lets get out of the car and walk. I did for about 20 minutes and the attack subsided. We returned back home without dinner and after that I didn't dare go anywhere.( I do have a full time job, and I had to go to work). I just seemed to be waiting for the next panic attack to hit. I visited my doctor several times, and got a clean bill of health. He put me on Paxil for the panic but it made things so much more worse for me. It was a nighmare. He wanted to try different scrips but I didn't want medication if I really didn't need to if I could help it. I didn't go far from home, missed out on so much and my husband wasn't the happiest with me. I ordered the tapes from Lucinda, and after listening to them and the doctor telling me I was healthy I knew it was me that was causing this horrible life. I took matters in my own hands and my belief now is, life is short, I am not going to let anxiety and Panic take over my life. It has been 3 years and I still have trouble at times going past my comfort zones, but when I do, I feel the panic trying to come but I tell myself that this is my life, and I'm going to do what I WANT TO DO. Its not been easy, but the feeling I get when I go past my boundries and go out and do somethings is so great. I am proud of myself for "pushing" myself into doing things that I know if I let panic get in the way I wouldn't be doing them. No, again its not gone, I doubt it ever will be gone and I doubt I will ever feel totally normal like normal people do, but I won't let it run me. Keep that thought in what ever you do..don't limit yourself, and tell yourself that panic will not run your life..YOU RUN YOUR LIFE and with time you will accomplish so much even it it is in little steps. I'm dong it and enjoying more of life even though I have to work harder at going places, but once I get there and the panic gets pushed back, I am the winner :)

Sending you my best !!

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by Rainydays » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:48 pm

Sorry I thought your post was in July, just noticed it was recent :)

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by NancyP » Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:39 pm

I took Ativan for awhile when the anxiety was intense, but was able to get off it by taking Kava Kava 3x day. It is a natural herb with no side effects. I also take GABA, and my doctor recommended taking L-Theanine which comes from green tea. These are things you can take to help you cope and feel better without taking drugs with side effects. Hope this helps. I did take an antidepressant for a little over a week, but the side effects were worse than the symptoms, so I quit it. However, my depression was only feelings of fatique. It was the anxiety that was so bad.

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by LyndaLu » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:23 pm

dear aussiegal: Don't be afraid to go to a Psychiatrist to ask for help with
medications. I had a breakdown 4 1/2 years ago and without my medications
I don't know where I would be today. Those meds saved my life.
Talk to your Psychiatrist and your Psychologist about what your next
step must be. Work the Program and go through all of the Sessions.
I hope that soon you will be on your road to recovery and that we will
hear from you again.

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by CurbsideProphet » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:49 pm

aussiegal wrote:So, I see lots of negatives on drugs....anyone have a positive story?
Absolutely. Xanax basically saved my life or at least gave me back one. I was in a similar situation as you (anxiety 24/7 w/ panic attacks) and turned to drinking heavily to calm myself. Xanax allowed me to finish school, get out in public, meet my soon to be wife, it was life changing.

I'm doing this program because I eventually would like to be off medications. As with any meds, there are side effects but they definitely have their uses.

grandma loves arielle
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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by grandma loves arielle » Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:21 pm

Hi, Ive been on Lexapro & ativan since Feb. & its like a MIRACLE. For 40 yrs I suffered on & off, used alchohol & drugs to self medicate. The panic got so bad this past yr. I coulnt do it anymore. My Doc explained to me its genetic ( mother had it) & when your chemically imbalanced that part of your brain is SUPER SENSITIZED & its at you & at you with no relief. Then we make it worse with our scarey thoughts. Chemically we are over loading on adrenaline & stress hormones.We do not have to live like that when their are meds to balance these chemicals so we can finally feel NORMAL.I have no regrets or shame in having a genetic disorder that requires meds anymore than any other illness.

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by stelo63 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:44 am

Remeron and ativan saved my life about 10 years ago. Don't be afraid to takes meds if you are at that point where nothing else is working. We are only human. If you had diabetes, you would take insulin?? so why is everyone so anti meds for a condition that sometimes needs a little help getting over. I've been on the same meds for years and I am doing great - never increased my dosage. Am ready to come off them and with the help of my accupuncturist I will do that, but give yourself a break. Life is way too short to obsess over this. Get yourself a good psychiatrist. Try the Remeron - really helps with sleep - side effect is that you may gain weight - I did in the beginning but then took it off and learned to maintain my weight. Feel better!!

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by Happy319 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:18 pm

Hope this helps. But was in the same boat. I thank gosh for the anxiety medication I am on, my life has improved tremendously!

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Re: Considering drugs- any success stories?

Post by KAMO » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:34 pm

Don't be afraid to take meds if it helps you, although you may have to try a few to find one that works for you. I first took Xanax, but started having to take more as time went by, then I was put on Zoloft, but got off after a month because it made my anxiety worse, now I'm taking Clonazepam and it works like a charm. All of these will make you drowsy, so I take mine at night before I go to bed, but I'd be in the looney bin without it.

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