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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:20 am
by Butcher909
My doc just give me Lexapro any one try this befor can you fill me in i start it tomorrow

Re: Lexapro

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:08 pm
by sleepyby8
Butcher...I have been on Lexapro for about 6 weeks this time and have been on it in the past as well. I'm on 10 mg. once a day. I would suggest taking it in the evening as it helps with my sleep and don't be surprised if you have a more anxious feeling and dry mouth for the first few weeks that you use it. Many people are also prescribed a benzo at the same time to alleviate some of the start up anxiety that it causes...mine was mostly in the a.m.

Hope this eases your has worked well for me in the past and I hope it will work for you as well.


Re: Lexapro

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:16 pm
by myveryownmidwest
I've been on Lexapro for about 2 years now. I believe my depression is mainly a chemical imbalance because whenever I'm off it my emotions are more raw and on the surface and I feel more out of control. So, this medication has worked wonders for myself and my mom as well.

Re: Lexapro

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:18 pm
by katielynnew
i had bad reactions to lexapro and when i got off it i got extremely depressed for an entire day. it was so bad i wasnt speaking at all to anyone and i talk A LOT lol

Re: Lexapro

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:49 pm
by pepsilover
I was on it 10-20 mg for 5 years, It helped alot except bad fatigue so they gave me an upper too. THEN 6 YEARS LATER I started anxiety daily, now I'm on 2.5 mg twice daily and still so anxious I'm on 20 mg busbar and 4 valiums a day.
Any advise?

Re: Lexapro

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:14 pm
by Paisleegreen
Maybe it is time to go off...your body might have gotten use to them and maybe there is some "mental work" to do with a Psychologist or Dr David Burns, 10 Steps to Self-Esteem workbook. It helped me to get off meds. Paislee

My experience with Lexapro

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:41 am
by ANielsen
Hi all,

For anyone going on or off Lexapro and curious about others experiences, I figured this may help.

First, everyone is different, I've read horror stories as well as success stories. You may have an entirely different experience from everyone else.

I started Lexapro 2.5 years ago, shortly after completing the Attacking Depression and Anxiety Program. My reason for going on it, I had come to the conclusion that while the program definitely helped me with coping techniques, I still was suffering from depression and it was time to bite the bullet.

My first day, I took it at 5:30 pm (10mg) and by 6:30pm I was passed out on the couch. I woke up around 8, feeling very anxious and uncomfortable. I listened to the relaxation session over and over again and finally went to bed around 10pm. The next morning, while in the shower, I had a panic attack. Knowing it was medication enduced (my dr warned me that it could cause more anxiety initially but that it would taper off and improve after the fact) I used the techniques learned from the tapes and was able to go on with my day.
I was very uncomfortable and considering not taking it again, but I knew that side effects taper off and that it was worth a shot to give it the full 4 weeks to level off and see if there was an improvement in my depression.

During the next week, my anxiety tapered off after 3 days, then other symptoms started. I was lethargic and sweaty. I am not one to sweat, but this was so bad I was going to the bathroom to stuff paper towels in my shirts because my antipersperant failed very quickly. I tried changing deodorants but that didn't do it either. The lethargy was pretty annoying but I would rather be a little tired than depressed.

Over the next 3-4 months the lethargy tapered off, I was feeling much better emotionally, my Mother said she noticed a big difference in me, but I was still sweating. The sweating stopped completely after 4 months.

The improvements I saw were wonderful. I was much more relaxed, my anxiety was practically gone and the depression was so minimal now that I finally felt normal. I considered going off of it after 6 months, but after talking to my doctor, he said I would probably be on it for life since my depression symptoms went as far back as childhood and it also runs in my family.
I was not happy with this answer, but continued to take it.

Fast forward to 2 years. I am now 32 and would like to have children within the next 5 years. I want Lexapro out of my system because I do not want it to effect the development of my (someday) child. Plenty of people have taken it during pregnancy, but I do not want to chance it...not with that. I read about how long it takes to get it out of your system and it can take a very long time, (even a year) according to what I read. I can't promise what I read was totally acurate, but I'd rather not chance it.

Weaning off now, I am down to 5mg. I started with cutting down to 7.5mg, stayed at that level for 2 months. Now I am down to 5mgs and have been for 2 months. Starting tomorrow I will go down to 2.5mgs. My initial symptoms are just a bit of dizziness, maybe a headache, but its very slight and goes away after 3 days.
I did not consult a doctor and chose to go my route because the things I read, most doctors wean you off much quicker and the withdrawl is a nightmare. I would rather go extremely slow, I'm not planning a pregnancy any time soon, so there is no rush. I have definitely doubted my decision to go off of it, but being lexapro free for some time, when its time to try to have a baby I would rather know its out of my system completely.

The symptoms I have had are mild depression returning, and kind of irritable. My PMS was MUCH worse this month. My anxiety has returned but to a much lesser degree so far, but I am able to handle all of this much much better than before thanks to the tapes. I will be going through the program again, without the videos and workbook, but will replay the tapes for a reminder course.

VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: During the course of my 2.5 years on Lexapro, I found that if I missed a dose for a day, I would get depressed and irritable a few days after. I also found that taking it at night was best, and that mild lethargy was a normal state for me. And DEFINITELY DO NOT try to go cold turkey. I tried after about 1.5 years, what a big mistake. I was shakey, dizzy, depressed and an emotional mess, I definitely would never do that again. The symptoms kicked in after 48 hours off of it and after the 3rd day I absolutely had to take it. Do not forget your meds if you go on vacation...

I hope this helps.

Re: Lexapro

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:56 pm
by Kory25
Before I started Lexapro, I was really skinny and just realy in bad shape and would freak out that I am so skinny, but yet I also have acid reflux, so it was hard to eat alot to gain weight. Then once I started taking Lexapro in fall 2010, I started gaining weight and gained 30 pounds from the end of 2010 to summer 2011! I fell soooo much better and I still get a few little panic attacks, but I stop them before they get out of hand (and it's when I am really nervous for something) but other than that, Lexapro has helped me! And my acid reflux is under control as well, which gives me more relief!

Does anyone else have acid reflux and anxiety?