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Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:39 am
by SilverLining
Hello, my therapist is wanting me to wean off of xanax. I currently take .5mg 3-4 times a day. I've only taken this much for about 5 months or so. Before that it was .5mg up to 3 times a month for about 1 year and then before that, it was .25 mg up to 3 times a year. What brought on the increase was a very stressful time in our lives where we ended up losing our home, almost seperated from husband during this time. My stress level was at its worse then. I am much better now but my body has adjusted to the new amount of xanax and to be honest, I am nervous about reducing it. I really want to, just nervous. I'm finding that I'm having a little bit of a hard time spreading it out to every 8 hours, which is where she wants me to start. I'm also going in perimenopause so this is effecting my emotions and physical symptoms pop up too.

Anyone have success coming off xanax after being on it for around 10 years? Most of those years was 1/2 of .25mg for me. I never learned coping skills then but I have been through the program and it has helped me.

But still, I have to make this change and I am nervous about it. They have suggested and AD but I don't want to go that route. To me, that would be just dealing with possible side effects, as I am very sensitive to meds to begin with, and I've known of too many people who have had trouble either on them or coming off so why put myself through it twice?!

If anyone has a success story they could share with me it would be helpful. My therapist is very good and I know they will work with me. I think alot of it is my getting over the fear of reducing the meds. as I have become to mentally dependent upon them. Thanks. Tammy

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:41 am
by SilverLining
OOPS! I meant to say that I was taking .5mg up to 3 times a DAY not a month for about a year. Silly me, I need to check my posts before sending them out! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:34 am
by Paisleegreen
Hi Tammy! :) Well, I have been on anti-depressants and did wean off of them, but that was also when I was introduced to Xanax by a family physician subbing for my Psychiatrist at the time. My symptoms I was complaining about was, a rubbery leg feeling.

It was never explained to me what I was really feeling, was withdrawal symptoms! :) And I was going through Peri menopause at the time as well and family stress.

Anyway, that is when I first went to a CBT counselor and went through Dr David Burns 10 Steps to Self-Esteem along with the therapy. I was able to wean off of Xanax and Wellbutrin at the same time. And this without understanding all the things that Lucinda teaches or have this website to go to.

I did fine until a family stress happened and I had my first panic attack. Well, I found out that panic attacks can come from being on a "tranquilizer" for some time. So as I've posted before about my journey here, I believe you could go off of Xanax and use it when you feel anxious.

My Psychiatrist would in the past say to use the Xanax at a therapeutic level to prevent the full blown panic "breakthrough" or attack vs putting one under your tongue when you are having a panic attack. But I haven't seen him for several months and he doesn't know I've been on here.

I'm on 15mg of Remeron which he kept me on because I wouldn't take the Xanax. He doesn't know that I have weaned down from 37.5 mg back to the 15 mgs. Anyway, Remeron doesn't have the side effects that the other type of anti-depressants have. It also isn't fast acting either.

So given this information, see if you can wean down to less a day and practice all the exercises that Lucinda advises. That will mean the type of food you eat and get aerobic exercise in and do the written work. I know your situation, and anti-depressants help a lot, but if you are doing okay and just need help with the panic attacks or anxiety, then working a CBT program will help a lot.

Anything we put in our bodies is going to affect them, unfortunately. So we have to withdraw from them as well, but it can be done when the time is right. And depending on the drug or substance, withdrawal from it will take some time and may or may not be difficult. Helpful aren't I? :D

We're here to help, as you cut back. :) Paislee
I'll be cutting back on my Remeron and have hopes that I won't need to take any Xanax. But if I need to nibble on it once in awhile, I will. ;) Take care...

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:30 am
by SilverLining
Hi Paislee, thanks for the encouragment and all the information. I know you have been through alot. My therapist has full confidence that I can do this, and I know I can too with the Lord's help. It is just a new step for me to take. I do need to review the program as I have forgotten alot of it.

I have a lot less stress in my life now than I did a even a year ago. Pray for me ok? Hugs, Tammy

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:40 am
by Paisleegreen
You betcha! :) Hugs right back at ya! P.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:16 pm
by Lisa Hammonds
Hello SilverLining.

I would not make the Xanax a priority. I would leave well enough alone. I found that it was easy for me to take a pill for my Axiety and Depression. I have done this for over 20 years. I believe when you start up program your focus will shift in another direction. I believe that in time Xanax will become secondary in your mind. I have had a rough couple of days. Today I worked myself through a panic attack using the skills I have learned. This program is HARD WORKHARD WORK for me. But the payoff is great. For the first time in my life, I have really realized what a strong person I am deep down inside. The strenght I found was there all the time. I just had to exercise it. Practice it. So, from a person who has been on Xanax, and all kinds of anti-depressents, just keep your dosage status quo. Don't obsess over the meds. Work hard to overcome the body symptons and the thoughts we don't even realize we have and just let the meds become secondary to your recovery. But realize you are your own drill seargent and best friend in this...and when you yourself pushes you into gear... the feeling accomplishment..It's indescribable. There is no feeling like it!!! Good Luck!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:11 pm
by SilverLining
Hi Lisa, thanks so much for your posting. It inspires me to move forward and know that I can do this. And you are so right, it is HARD WORK! but I am willing to do it and reap the rewards. Thanks again as I needed the boost. Tammy

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:41 am
by SilverLining
Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I have been doing well with backing off the xanax. The funny thing is, stressful things keep happening, like tension and issues with my spouse, and I have still be able to continue to back off. I am very thankful for that cause in life I know there will often be something we have to deal with and I need to learn the coping skills better and not reach for a xanax everytime something happens. I have been getting more pvcs (skipped heart beats) but I think it is from the other stuff going on. My stomach has been off and that will often trigger them too. When I get them, they scare me, especially since I haven't had them in awhile. Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and prayers. They are making a difference!! ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:18 am
by Paisleegreen
Good Job, Silverlining! :) I've just completed my 3rd night without the 15mgs of Remeron. I'm feeling much better...and have more energy in the morning. I actually taken a shower instead of a bath, so those feelings of fearfulness have gone away for at least for now.

I also was able to go out and do some yard work which ended up enjoying my Granddaughter's time with me. She was selling me rocks from her driveway, for 5 cents a piece. She brought over a very pretty rock (in my estimation ;)) that I would have collected on my own. So I gave her a quarter for it. Then she wanted to go back home and get some more to earn some money to fill her new piggy bank. I told her I would come over another time when I wasn't working in the yard and look over her rocks. (They were rocks from the gravel in her driveway ;))

So I then offered her 5 cents for every seed pod she picked up that is scattered all over our lawn and driveway. She collected a lot and would count them as she put them in the trash can. It ended up that I would be paying her around $15.00. My son was over and I asked him and DH if my multiplication was right, because I wasn't sure about paying her that much! She in Kindergarten. DS said that just give her a couple dollars, she wouldn't know the difference! Also, smiling he said that I have raised the bar on what they can't afford to pay her for every task she does at home. :D

Anyway, I hunted down my stash of pocket change and just divided them up in a some cute little containers that I had been saving to give to her, as I decided to let go of them as a way of decluttering. That was hard to do, but knew that I wasn't going to be making any craft project using them in the near future and they were easily replaceable.

So the lesson next time is to offer up one penny per seed pod. I think she enjoyed the activity with Grandma and was in the zone for gathering, and counting, not really having a value of what exactly 5 cents a seed pod meant.

I know this is probably off subject, but I couldn't help sharing that story because I don't think I would have gone taken "shower" or get dressed and go outside to do some yard work and feel great all the while.

I know that the Remeron was affecting me in a way that wasn't good. But to show that I was concerned about not taking it the second night, I made sure my bottle of Xanax was handy just in case. :p

So you GO GIRL! I'm proud of you as you work on overcoming your anxiety. :D Paislee

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:59 pm
by SilverLining
Hey Paislee,

Thanks for the words of encouragment and way to go to you too! You kept yourself very busy and active and that is great!

I'm sure you were not only blessed by the time with your granddaughter but a blessing to her also. Those memories are precious and can never be taken away.

keep up the good work! I'm proud of you too. ;)