Almost Medication Free

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:14 pm

Post by hubcaps07 » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:43 am

Typically, I am terrified of meds to include natural ones. I have had some VERY BAD experiences with them over the past 20 years. Most recently Pristiq caused a gastric bleed (but I had weight loss surgery 8 years ago and do not metabolize like regular people). Not to mention I gained the weight from Anafranil. I truely believe cognitive behavior theraphy (like this program) is the best way to go. However, my doc tries to convince me that I should not feel guilty taking a half a mg of Ativan to help me get to sleep or help me through the rough spots. I deny myself of it until I just cannot take the symptoms anymore then I take it. In the past I have even been able to get by with 1/4 mg to take the edge off.


Post by Guest » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:38 am

i understand how you feel i also take ativan have been for the past month almost since i started prozac to help with the side effects. i only take .5 a day or 1/4 and i wait it out do breathing and everything before i fina;;y take it. I just hate taking ativan and am waiting for the prozac to kick in and do whatever its suppose to do. i think its kinda working but i am just anxious everymorning


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:16 pm

I find I am more anxious falling asleep and when I first wake up. Once I am awake and can start thinking a little clearer I can start the positive vs negative thoughts. I have not taken ativan for 8 days now!


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:10 pm

Hi all ~ Nice to meet everybody. I too hate to get on the merry-go-round of pharmaceuticals. Almost all of my self care is done by natural medicine. There are herbs I take for sleep, certain foods and drinks I won't take beyond noon, I monitor my exercising, I do music therapy, and sleep with a blue light called a "Night Wave" (nci=no commercial interest). Recently since my husband stopped smoking and is driving me nuts I have had to add in aromatherapy at night and it helps. I am very scent sensitive. Yearly I go to an MD who is also a homeopath for a big dose of my "constitutional remedy." You can find associations for herbal medicine, homeopathy,and natural medicine online. Be sure to do a lot of research first before you just go and pick up one of these items. They are considered "natural medicine" by many.

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