St John's Wort

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by harlow » Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:34 am

I decided to give St Johns Wort a try. I hear mixed reveiews but maybe it may help. I got it in a juice form. Has anyone tried it with good results?

I am no meds except clonzaplam when I need it(not a daily thing) Maybe three pills a week. I want to take it daily but realize it is quite addicting. It is one pill that really does help me.

Is it ok to mix the two? I know it is not good to mix with anti depressants.

Thanks for any insight!


Post by Guest » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:02 am

I believe in consulting my pharmicist and my doctor before taking supplements. I just added St. John's Wort too (we'll see how that goes). I used to take clonezepam--it is a slipery slope and one I don't want to ever be on again. Be super careful, it seems to creep up on ya and then all of a sudden you need 4 a week, then once a day, then a little more, etc. I'm not sure what detox is really like, but when I weaned myself off of clonezepam it was very hard--I sure am cautious and uneasy about it now. Maybe use lorezepam?? Good luck!

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Post by Coco2 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:50 pm

I too have wondered about anyone's experience with St John's Wort...and/or if anyone has benefited from samE?!! I just started samE today...anyone have any experiences with either that you'd like to share?! I feel as though my mood could use a boost, which has been shaken abit by my self-imposed limitations...I recently developed a "thing" about driving...bugs me to no end, because I've always enjoyed driving and I hate how small my world is becoming because of anyway, I'm hoping for a cyclic effect, boost my mood, feel renewed confidence in myself, lift my limitations which should naturally boost my mood...on & on is what I'm hopeful for my story to go! Any feedback regarding either supplement would be much appreciated!
Thanks so much!


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:05 am

Last Sept. I started taking St. John's Wort and did great on it. I took it till April. (i wanted it for the winter months.) I plan to use it again this fall till Spring again. My only side effect was light sensitivity. Of course I don't worry about being in the sun too much in the winter, but I noticed eye sensitivity when I didn't wear my sunglasses and it was bright out. I actually loved it though-I slept great and felt just as good as when I once took Paxil. And I didn't have to worry about sluggishness and weight gain!


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:09 am

What about Valerian?

I read that Dr. Andrew Weil recommends it for anxiety and sleeplessness.

Has anyone tried it and/or do they know of any side affects or drug interactions?

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Post by PVF » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:52 am

thanks for the replies..any samE users on board? I've been so resistant to Rx meds, so thought I'd go this route...really interested to hear of anyone else's experiences on samE and/or St John's!


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:57 am

EverHopeful...I just saw an entry on the Main community, under session 11, entered by Satu on 7/11, titled, "Valerian has helped me a lot"...check it out, for more info!


Post by Guest » Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:46 am

Originally posted by harlow:
I decided to give St Johns Wort a try. I hear mixed reveiews but maybe it may help. I got it in a juice form. Has anyone tried it with good results?

I am no meds except clonzaplam when I need it(not a daily thing) Maybe three pills a week. I want to take it daily but realize it is quite addicting. It is one pill that really does help me.

Is it ok to mix the two? I know it is not good to mix with anti depressants.

Thanks for any insight!
hello everyone,
I have had real good feedback from my customers about St. John's Wort, I have worked in a health food store for many years. I would also recommend a new supplement from a company called New Chapter----Holy Basil, not the basil in your cupboard. I will try to post a link for it: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>new chapter</A>

It has really helped me with depression once I hit menopause, it helps balance cortisol levels and works to support the adrenal glands----therefore it helps stress. Try it out and it would be safe to take with the St. John's Wort too!

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