Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Wretched mind
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:58 am

Post by Wretched mind » Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:49 am

Alright so ive been smoking weed for years...thiers many subjects to back marijuana up as a safe natural hemp herb.some believe including myself that its in the old times,bible times,as healing oils,relaxation,spacing out what im sayin is im still smoking even on medication.Because it balances me out from my 'bipolar' disorder ,insomnia,deppression,my nerves and all that bull,makes me wonder whether or not the medication is really doing it or not.To everyone who might be dependent on meds,alcohal for relaxation,well im even thinkin of giving up my meds and sticking to the natural.including cutting down on alcohal.Do your own research on benefits of marijuana and over look its irrational description of the government you might find that its not a drug its actually beneficial in most human areas- thats all

Posts: 58
Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:30 pm

Post by Coco2 » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:11 am

I agree.. I have seen many studies that show there are many benefits to smoking the natural grass, I find it relax's my mind greatly. Like anything, in moderation and in the right place, at the right time and as long as it doesnt become a problem or lead to much worse things.
I think you may find some conflicting arguments on here as I remember a post on marijuana being highly controvertial before. I believe it is under general comments between pages 8-12 I think.. entitled 'smoking weed'. I would be interested to read any information you have found or the positive effects it has for you..

I have a feeling your med probably is helping more than you know, I say this because I recently felt the same and went off, did great for a month and crashed way harder than before, it wasnt worth it and Im back on a med now. I think you should definitely speak with your doctor before making a decision, perhaps he could give you some good insight as to how you are feeling.

Thanks for posting, best wishes!


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:13 am

p.s. one more thought: Ciggarettes are known to kill more people than a small city every year, the government spends millions making people 'aware' of the effects and it is legal- marijuana is prescribed for medical purposes but is illegal? I wont even comment on alcohol and the amount of deaths drunk drivers cause each year- that is messed up!


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:30 am

I won't try to argue marijuana because I have a brother in law that enjoys a good argument about it. But I will say to each his own, for me I smoked marijuana in high school and I believe this actually started me on the road to anxiety with paranoia and spaced out feelings. My husbands family is full of weed smokers and they are all argumentative, they yell and can't seem to control their anger. I for one don't want anything that makes me act like them, I would much rather have a massage and get high off of life.


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:39 am

Originally posted by Maeggie:
p.s. one more thought: Ciggarettes are known to kill more people than a small city every year, the government spends millions making people 'aware' of the effects and it is legal- marijuana is prescribed for medical purposes but is illegal? I wont even comment on alcohol and the amount of deaths drunk drivers cause each year- that is messed up!
ill have to agree, if anything weed should be legalized.Its also said that it can reduce the birth of a tumor and lung cancer


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:41 am

Originally posted by Sugarmama:
I won't try to argue marijuana because I have a brother in law that enjoys a good argument about it. But I will say to each his own, for me I smoked marijuana in high school and I believe this actually started me on the road to anxiety with paranoia and spaced out feelings. My husbands family is full of weed smokers and they are all argumentative, they yell and can't seem to control their anger. I for one don't want anything that makes me act like them, I would much rather have a massage and get high off of life.
i can see its different for everyone,personally what got my road to anxiety and panicy feelings,bi polar were due to use of crystal meth and cocaine.The weed has been there then and is here now.but unfortunatley alot of people do act up and dont know how to respect and be comfortable and themselves smoked out on weed,i agree with you on that.


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:08 am

My road to anxiety and depression started at age 5 when my father left. I was raised in many terrible enviroments growing up including being poor, abused, alcoholism and abandonment. Nonetheless, I agree- to each his own!


Post by Guest » Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:53 am

I'm an addict/alcoholic and have been sober for a while now. I've had my life completely destroyed by everything from heroin to beer, but I will make an argument for weed. I know I don't need to be out smokin any. That would just lead me back to other drugs and many problems. There are many drugs out there being prescribed for anxiety and weed is no worse than any of them, especially when you compare the side effects. So if it helps you relax and doesn't affect your life in a negative way, I say SMOKE UP

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