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Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:01 am
by makeitstop
I just got a prescription for 50 mg zoloft about a week ago, and I have not been able to make myself take them. I am scared to death of the side effects and I nearly give myself an attack just thinking about it. I wanna get better, but how do I get past the freaked out part. Help please

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:09 am
by Guest
I totally understand what your going through, I to am starting medication and even though I took prozac before successfully I'm beside myself starting up on it again. I just have to keep telling myself Ive done it before I can do it again. And I felt so much better on it than off. And you can do this also. I know its hard, but you really just need to get to feeling better and you are on the road to doing that by doing what you are afraid to do and doing it anyway. We can do this together. Talk about how we are feeling and get through it together if you like?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:45 am
by Guest
It would be so nice to have someone to go through this with. My attacks are now coming everyday, and everyone just keeps saying just take the pill it's not hard. But they don't understand the anxiety and the fear of the side effects. i am worried that I am going to take one and have a bad reaction and i'll be all alone, with nobody there to help me. Is prozac the only med you've been on? How does it make you feel when on it?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:58 am
by Guest
Watching medicine commercials can sometimes freak me out when you hear all the side affects. When I started to take my meds I was afraid too. But then I said to myself, Laura, you want to feel better this medicine is going to make you feel better. I just did it. I took the leap of faith and did it. I had to start somewhere. I used to take 50 mgs of paxil and .25 of zanax as needed. Now I am down to 20 mgs of Paxil and no zanax. It was hard, but worth it. You can do this :) I told myself over and over again LAURA you are worth fighting for. And truth be told, you are. If you need to talk, Im here.


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:39 pm
by Guest
Yea today I had a hard day, but I really just think a lot of it is thinking Ill never get over this and it will ruin my life. But like twiceasnice said we just have to keep chiping away at it. I keep thinking I'm just so spacey feeling but, I have to tell myself the truth I was way spacier when I was on nothing. I just need to keep telling myself its not the meds its my anxiety talking. Don't freak out, I'm going to try hard and you are too. We can walk through these feelings together. Have you started taking your meds yet?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:21 pm
by Guest
I too was terrified of meds and put off taking them. You are right, those commercials are full of side effects, it corrects one thing but here you can get this huge list of side effects. Realize that they need to inform the public of side effects the drug co's experienced in their clinical trials...they are protecting themselves. Just because a med may have a list of 200 side effects, that does not necessarily mean that you will experience one, a couple, several or all. There are some meds I took, like Biaxin, no side effects...Zythromax increased my anxiety, even though it was not listed as a side effect. Once I stopped, the heightened anxiety left. Go figure. When I tried prozac and paxil, I did not have any scary side effects, the meds did not work for me. I know people that never experience side effects, I also know others that experience side effects and then imagination? Maybe. I know my grandmother has one!

If you start taking the meds and become concerned, you can always call your dr or pharmacist. I know I have questions and those people were more than happy to help. I think many of us have been afraid. I know I came to a point were nothing else was helping and that was my last resort, I swallowed my fear along with the meds...I feel better now. It was hard to do at first, kinda like ok am I gonna start glowing or something? You may have side effects, but remember, there is the other side as well, what if you do not? Just something to think about. Taking a med is a very personal decision. I hope you can find peace in whatever you choose. Know you will be OK. Warm wishes, LizB

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:50 pm
by Guest
FYI: I just found a website that looks promising that talks about methods for tapering off antidepressant and benzos and other medications without side-effects.

I wonder if it would be useful to avoid getting on them in the first place by using these supplements.

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>

Just thought I'd share - I haven't any experience with it.

Let me know if anyone has tried this or is thinking of trying it.


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:07 am
by Guest
No, I haven't started yet but i kinda had a little talk with myself last nite and I think I am going to start today. I hate feeling this way and if meds will help I will give it a shot. I started thinking about like tylenol and things like that and how many side effects they have listed and I don't freak out taking them. I'm just gonna go home, take one and keep busy so I don't freak out. :) Wish me luck!!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:49 am
by Guest
Hey Makeitstop,
Just go for it. I had a hard day at work today I was called in early and was very nervous about that but I made it. YAY. I'm still taking the meds. I am starting on 1 every other day. So far I've been a bit spacey but Its not like I havent already been that. I'm going to just talk positive to myself and you should too. I Know how scary it can be. But realistically how scared are we now of the panic? Just keep talking to yourself and take it and see how you feel but dont prejudge it ask your self if its the truth that you were feeling anxious already or not. You can do it. Ill check back tomorrow :o)

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:58 am
by Guest
makeitstop and all, taking meds is a person al decision for sure, nobody should talk you into it. One thing I can tell you is, if you think you are going to have the side effects, you may, unless you just flow with it, you will not be the first to notice the benefits either, others around you will, you will feel foggy at first maybe, but nothing that is worse than going thru the anxiety on a daily basis. One other thing, you should be rpoud of yourselves for taking a stand and making the decision that you do deserve a life and you do want to try to improve yourself. Meds don't have to be forever. One day at a time, you will know if it is working for you or not, but the SSRI's take time to get into your system, if you can just remeind yourself that it takes time and the side effects will disappear as it builds in your system. You are never alone in this! Please don't ever think that!