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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:03 pm
by Lisa1662
Boy do I ever know what your feeling. I just got off them after taking them for only a couple months,but mine withdrawl symptoms were horrible. I actually went to the emergency room because I felt so funny. It last about a good solid 2 weeks for me. I work for a doctors office so I learn a lot about these meds,and had much better results from Pristique,but insurance didn't cover the med. After the episode that I had with Effexor I vowed I would never take a medication in the anti-depressant family again. Hope this helps and good luck!

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:06 pm
by Lisa1662
And one other suggestion that help me out,but take in moderation was taking a small dose of Addivan when the symptoms were more unbearable at times.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:54 am
by Paisleegreen
I'm sorry to hear about your problems with Effexor. It worked great for me at one time, which was greatly needed. It right after my son's suicide and I was in a deep depression. I was already on Wellbutrin and Serzone. So I was taken off the Serzone and was given Effexor along w/Wellbutrin.

Anyway, through the course of time, I did go off of Effexor, not sure if it was due to weight gain or sexual side effects.

Tell me more about you electical shock symptoms. I only experienced that during an episode w/ my first panic attack after being weaned off of Wellbutrin with the added help of Xanax. I was weaned off for only 2 months before I had my first panic attack and had returned from a 10 road trip to unpleasant surprise at home.

Anyway, when I was put on any type of anti-depressant such as Zoloft and then Wellbutrin it was TOO energizing and scared me at the time. So I was put on Remeron.

My questions on you feeling like elecctrical shocks is that after I take my Remeron which makes you sleepy, an hour later, then my arms, legs, hands start to jerk or have spasms and hands would ache. Then I would have to take my Restoril (temazepam) to calm it down and sleep.

I still wake up with aching thumbs, and body aches. So just curious as to what your symptoms are.