Switching meds due to weight gain

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by skinny » Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:13 am

Has anyone mentioned Fibromyalgia?

Nicky B.
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Post by Nicky B. » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:22 am

:) Hi. I have just been switched from the medicine Depakote to Lamactil by my doctor because I was gaining so much weight from the Depakote. I was takeing 1000 mgrams of it about 2/2/2 morn, afternoon and night. I told him that I never increased this much weight since november 2009 when I started Depakote.. Now that I have been switched to Lamactil, my weight has decreased and I feel more confident with my body and myself as a whole. I was 165lbs in november "09" and 6 to 8 months after I had gained my weight gain went to 185lbs. I am happy with the Lamactical and take two once a day. I really havent had an appetite with either medicine but with the Depakote that I was on everything I ate seem to put the weight on even if I ate something small. I am also eating better now since a nutrition class I took her in 2010. If any of this helps you or anyone else here in this forum you can respond to me through a post. Thanks

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Post by Paisleegreen » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:17 am

Has anyone mentioned Fibromyalgia?[/quote]

Skinny, I don't know if you were asking me. I haven't complained to a Dr about my aches lately, I right now contribute them to being off of my previous anti-depressants, Wellbutrin and Cymbalta. I think it has to do with the anxiety and stress feelings I've had and lack of some good stretching type of exercise.

I guess I could contribute it to Fibromyalgia and I'm still treating it as one would do for that, I think. At least I'm eating better and taking vitamins. Right now just B-12, but need to add my other ones as I get to it. So much to think about right now, it seems.

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Post by shimdan » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:48 am

I have been on different antidepressants for 10 years.
all caused me to gain weight but wellbutrin. I kept telling my Dr. and he made up all kinds of stuff. Finally I did research and told him of my findings. He finally said yes in many people it causes weight gain and alters metabolism.
I felt better on meds but the weight gain was the pits.My cousin is on Paxil and works out and is very careful what she eats. again weight gain. her dr. said it is a side effect for some people.

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Post by Paisleegreen » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:09 pm

Shimdan--Yep, when I was just on Wellbutrin and Serzone, I stayed slim, although I was younger then and hadn't lost a son to suicide. Wellbutrin is probably my favorite anti-depressant if you have to take it.

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