Clonazepam anyone?

Questions and experiences with prescription medications
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Post by strummedout » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:28 am

Hi everyone!

I'm new to the program (2nd week) and i have been taking clonazepam to deal with my anxiety. I usually take a half milligram a day. Is anyone else using this?

Hope to hear from someone soon.




Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:37 am

i love my clonazepam, makes me kinda tired though. coping skills are far superior though.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:39 am

I always found that it made me feel weird so I wouldn't take it. Also too sleepy.

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Post by *D* » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:47 am

I have been prescribed clonazepam/klonopin, but my doctors advised me to quit because they said it was addictive. This is the longest period I have gone with out clonazepam.. (2 months). I personally think it is a great medication, and it really helped me.
I am only on week 3 of this program but I am really happy with dealing with my anxiety in a different way. I have been working out and my anxiety has greatley decreased. I use to take clonazepam to sleep at night and know I am sleeping so much better. Working out has really helped me. Good luck


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:54 am

Please be careful with the stuff. From my personal experience, it is highly addictive and really hard to get off of. I took it everyday for a few years, pinkee

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Post by tweaky1h » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:01 am

i took my first dose saturday was not a good weekend.i had horrible thoughts of death and i discontinued the meds after one dose.i am much better back to normal.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:13 am

Hello - First I just want to say that everyone is different and reacts differently to medication. You have to find what works for you.

That being said, my personal experience is I started taking it during my first bad bout of anxiety/depression 7 years ago. I took 0.5 mg 2x a day (once in am, once in pm). I found it helped me a lot to cope, to just give me energy and get outside of my own head and think more outwardly. I was primary anxiety, secondary depression, so I was pretty depressed when I started to take it, but I found it relaxed me and then the depression lifted. Then I was better able to deal with everything else the program had to offer. It didn't make me sleepy. It helped me to sleep at night and during the day it helped me to be clear headed.

After a few years, I cut out the morning pill and I did feel a little fuzzy for a few days, but that was it. Then later, I cut my evening pill down to 1/2 (which is .25mg) - which is a very small amount. Again, maybe took a few days to adjust. I was in a strong mental state in my life when I did this. I just don't know about it being highly addictive. I think when something is addictive, its properties wear off quickly and you feel the need to keep increasing it, or you absolutely can't go off it. I don't know, because I never did go off it completely, but I've been told .25 mg is so negligible, it probably wasn't doing much for me at that point anyway. The only warning my doctor gave me in the beginning was that too high a dosage can make your mind less sharp over time. After years, my mind was just as sharp as its always been, but then again, my dose is not that high.

While I was recovered and doing well, I never felt the need to take more or that it wore off. Now, due to some circumstances in my life and stress, I am going through another bad episode of anxiety/depression and starting the program again. I am back to 0.5mg at night and am sleeping great. Maybe when I go through the program and am back to normal again, I'll reduce it again.

Bottom line - the med worked for me and I like it, but we are all different. I hope you will find what works for you and I wish you the best.

Take Care,

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Post by Craw » Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:01 pm

Wow, thank you all for responding to my post! I can't figure out how to respond to each person individually so I apologize for responding to all in one post.

Ennui- It helps me too but I've noticed that I get extremely tired in the late afternoon. I don't know if it is because it has wore off at that point or what, but I don't like it. When I get that sleepy it make me anxious, but I am afraid to take more because I worry it will knock me out. That is my only problem with the medication. Have a great day!

Tori87- Thanks for the reply. Ya, it makes me tired too, but only in the late afternoon, long after I have taken it. I don't like this side effect. Have a peaceful day:)

Juls- Thanks for responding.
I need to start working out. I think it will really help. I just have to get over my fear of having my pulse go faster. I'm glad it's helping you!! Have a great day:)

Pinkeetoz- Thanks, I am very careful. I am so paranoid about medication that i break the pill up into quarters and take only enough to calm me down. Many times I don't even take the full amount (which is a small dose anyway). I appreciate your imput. Have a great day!

Cris- I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with it. That's not good at all. I take it to help me deal with scary thoughts about dying, and it would be horrible if I had the same reaction. I guess what works for some does not work for others. Wishing you a more peaceful weekend:)

Melanie- Thanks so much for the post! I'm glad it is working so well for you. I hope the program helps us all. I don't think anyone here wants to be on medication. We all want to just feel normal again. But for some of us, we need that help to get back to normal. I hope that in the next year I can get to a place of peace where the clonazepam is just a reserve for extreme circumstances and not a daily thing. Thanks again and have a peaceful anxiety-free day!
Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
~John F. Kennedy


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:35 pm

My experience with clonazpam was and is about like most of you. After the Doc tried everything in the vast number of drugs on me and I didn't tolerate them ,it came down to good old clonazpam. I take 0.5 mg when I go to bed That is all now that I am in the program. I am on session 6 and am doing fine. Last week I decided to cut the dose in half. In a couple of days I started feeling bad again,so I am back on one 0.5 mg before bed.I dont know if I was having withdrall or just having a bump in the road to recovery. I think I will wait till I complete the program befor trying to get off. I wonder what a Dr. would tell you about what to expect when you stop taking clonazpam. I hate depending on a drug . Dave L.


Post by Guest » Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:12 pm

I hate depending on a drug too, Dave. Whatever gets us through it though. I hope after the program I can get though it without the meds. Hang in there and thanks for responding to my post:)

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