My Name is Richard and I have Anxiety

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My Name is Richard and I have Anxiety

Post by RichardC25 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:01 am

R-i-c-h-a-r-d, I now know I have anxiety and am confident I will get better.

The first session was amazing, I learnt exactly what anxiety is and I learnt that I am not alone. Also, I have some useful tools to be more aware of my anxiety provoking thoughts. As a result, I have been more mindful overall. So much so, I was able to help my mother out over the weekend where we caught a serious health condition that now requires surgery. If it was the Richard from two weeks ago, I don't know if I would have had the mindfulness to offer my mother help when she needed it and she may have gone blind as a result.

To sum it up, Lucinda Bassett's Combatting Stress and Depression Program program is a life changer. It is so ahead of it's time, it is odd to listen to the CDs knowing they had been produced years ago.

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