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I m not new, I am returning

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:48 am
by Maggiepie
Well, here we go again.... I think i only made it to cd 4 before thought... ok I got this. Oh boy was I wrong!!!! I feel frozen with fear. I literally find trouble moving. Have to force myself to walk the dog, have little interest in eating good foods and overthinking to the max. I hear people talk about anxiety diminishing or completely go. I wish. Almost 30 years of it. I fear it is always going to be here. I am pretty isolated, with no family support.
But will start doing the cds again from tomorrow. My psychiastrist retired not long ago, and he said i should be fine, but am clearly not.
Sorry for babbling. Maggie

Re: I m not new, I am returning

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:14 pm
by missgsr
Hello Maggie,
I am so sorry to hear about your setback. I am going through the same thing right now....frozen with fear about every little thing. I also have doggies that I have to force myself to walk and am having a hard time just functioning. Please know that, while you may not have your family support, there are so many of us dealing with this just like you. These boards are such a great resource for support...I wish more people used them.

Kudos to you for picking up the program again. I am like you in that respect too...I get to a point with the CDs where I start feeling better and then stop. It's hard to keep going and addressing the problem week after week when you just want the problem to go away completely and never have to think about it again!

Re: I m not new, I am returning

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 5:43 pm
by wager9
Hi MAggie - pleasure to meet you

I know this stuff is hard and I can feel your pain and frustration. I just started using the program as well and am hoping it works. I am also in the market for a new pdoc as mine has not retired but I dont like him at all.

Do you mind if I ask what your manifestation of anxiety is? - panic, GAD, OCD, paranoia? Mine is mostly worrisome thougths about my well being or something awful happening to me. And of course, the anxiety feelings can get pretty intense. I also get a bit depressed about it all too...thats a drag.'re never babbling...hope to talk again soon :)

Re: I m not new, I am returning

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 12:34 am
by tywrenasaurus
Welcome back Maggie!
I'm new to this whole thing..I'm on session three. I wanna say I feel I've improved, but still on the road to recovery. I've learned to bring myself down a lot. But I still feel physical symptoms...

I hope you'll be well again.