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I'm back to FINISH!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:39 pm
by tinagirl81
Hi there. My name is Martina. I've attempted this program several years back but procrastinated and didn't wind up finishing. So, I'm back at it again but this time for good!

I really need this. My panic attacks, anxiety, AND depression have gotten so bad that I've had to quit school and work because I couldn't handle the stress. Family also reminded me recently that I've got a big problem (which didn't help things but it is what it is).

On top of that, I am a Christian. And this "condition" is not generally accepted within the church. I have even gotten as far as receiving deliverance ministry to rebuke any demon spirits that could have caused all this to begin with. current problem is in my head. The negative thinking habits that I've learned since childhood need to be retrained the proper way. So, my hope and prayer right now is that I complete this program once and for all so that I can start to lead a full life--maybe for the 1st time ever!

Thanks for reading and I am really looking forward to connecting with those of you that have already started and those that will soon!

God bless you guys :)

Re: I'm back to FINISH!

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 8:34 pm
by Stocks2
I am with you. I, too, invested in this program some time ago and did not finish or dedicate my time and focus to it. Now, more than ever, I need it. Since you posted how are you doing?

Re: I'm back to FINISH!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:48 am
by coachchris
Hello Martina and Stocks,

How are you both doing with the program?
Coach Chris

Re: I'm back to FINISH!

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:33 pm
by Taylor42
I am right there with you!! I listened to half the tapes then stopped. Now my anxiety and depression have gotten so bad that I can't even get a job. I am to afraid. Now I promised myself I am going to do this program from start to finish and get as much as I can out of it. Good Luck! I wish you the best.

Re: I'm back to FINISH!

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:31 am
by Maggiepie
I too, stopped listening to the cds. I go through highs and lows. And at times I feel completely ok and dont need it any longer. But then something happens and it all starts again.
At the moment I am overthinking all the time and I am literally frozen. Cant move, so just sit and turn on the tv. At the end of the day, force myself to get dressed and walk my dog even around the block.
I guess i need to get back into the cds again. And reading those cards!
Take care Maggie