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Re: From Hawaii

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:43 pm
by Char808
Happy New Year Shari!!!

I pray that you had an excellent new year!

It’s so amazing that you are able to go about your day even going through a panic attack, you are so strong! You should be so proud of yourself! I’m glad that you had some good food for Christmas lol. Usually every year my grandma who is Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Chinese, will make Portuguese sweet bread, Portuguese soup, and vina dosh, so good! I’m getting so hungry just thinking about it again lol. YAY YOU for real! That’s such a huge accomplishment and I’m so happy for you! It will get better and better!

Yes, I’m still planning to finish, I haven’t been journaling, just doing my devotions, and I haven’t continued on the program but I’m still determined to do so. I started reading this book called “Atomic Habits” it’s so good and listening to an audiobook called “The Christians secret of a Happy Life” it’s also so good!

I have been doing better and better each and every day. I started working again but keeping my schedule really light. I started working this week and have just been taking one client a day. Tomorrow I have three clients so I pray that I do well. I haven’t had a major panic attack since October or November I think, Thank GOD! I still have some body symptoms lingering like heat and a slight burning sensation in my arms, stomach, or chest, weird head sensations like a flash of head pain every so often. I feel my heart palpitate some times but I know not to panic. I’ve been feeling really good and I can see the light through the darkness. My sleep has been great. I can usually sleep fast if I read and I’ve been giving myself more of a scheduled day and writing down everything I need to do. I still have some negative thinking and thoughts of doom which trigger body sensations but I self soothe and talk to God.

You’re so right that God did not create us to live in fear. I’m learning so much more about God and how to trust and surrender to Him and that that’s where peace and joy will come from. I’m learning to not doubt so much and just give it to God! I’m so happy that the DARE book has helped you and you can use tools from it! It helped me so much too. So simple but we complicate things so much lol. But you’re right, I am also thankful for this journey because it means that God wants me to grow. I love that scripture! Thank you so much! I don’t remember if I sent you this before but one of my favorite scriptures that got me through a lot is Galatians 5:22 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” I’ve been learning about God’s promises and it’s helping me so much to build my relationship with Him.

Thank you so much! God really does work in everything and the clients I’ve been getting recently are believers and we talk about God a lot. How has your job hunting been going and progress with your business? I’ll be praying that you feel better and you are lead in the right direction with job hunting and your business!

Wow! That’s so awesome that you are there to help your daughter in law with anxiety! She’s so fortunate to have you. I’m glad that you two were able to bond and get closer over a shared experience, even though it’s a tough one. I pray she find Him too! Wow, that’s also amazing that you and your brother got to open up about past childhood traumas, that’s HUGE!!! Thank you Jesus!!! I’m so happy you had a great Christmas, I did as well with family and friends. I received puzzles and art supplies, some new shoes for work, and my aunty got me two devotional journals, I was so thankful and happy. How many kids do you have and how old are they?

I usually do resolutions but I’m learning that resolutions can be bad if it’s really far off from what you already do in life. It’s about the small daily habits that will eventually get you to your goal. If you get better just 1% at something, eventually you will reap the benefits. But if we try to change things suddenly and drastically, our brain can’t handle that kind of unrealistic pressure, that’s why most resolutions fail. The Atomic Habits book is so good lol. Did you sleep through the New Year or did you do something with your family? Yes! We’re taking Jesus everywhere!

I’m so appreciative of you as well and your amazing responses! I pray for so much healing and growth for you! I know you will get through this and fully recover. I pray that your business blossoms more than you can imagine! And you find all the peace and joy that you need from God and that you will continue to trust and surrender to Him. Take care Shari, until next time! I’m feeling so much better that I can actually show you guys around if you come to Hawaii lol.

Much Love and God Bless!

Re: From Hawaii

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:32 pm
by sbmiller
Hi Char!
Thank you! Yes this year has got off on a great foot! I had some setbacks but I still carry along my day! Anxiety and panic even my depression has lifted greatly! I have been taking better care of myself, eating healthier, taking a multivitamin, exercising more, getting out of the house often and driving longer! Thank God! I am so grateful for this journey!

Yeah, I haven’t touch the program in awhile but I am on session 5 now plus I also moved forward with the DARE. Where I met a fellow suffer, whom I talk with daily, and was introduce to the Anxious Truth by Drew Linsalata. His approach is rough but it is straight to the point and NO sugar coating! Which is more inline with my personality. If you look into it please be aware some language is not ideal lol but it’s not completely blasphemy, I just want to warn you.

That’s great! I am happy you are getting better and better each day! Even your messages are becoming more and more lighten, that brings me joy because I know God and our Lord Jesus is working in you! AMEN!!! WOW! Working! NICE! God is Good! That is AMAZING, keep going my friend! Yes, anxiety, panic, bodily sensations and depression will always be with us BUT it’s when we change our relationship with it, that demolishes anxiety/panic/depression/bodily sensations/intrusive thinking. For instances, I too also have lingering anxiety/panic/depression/sensation/intrusive thinking, but I don’t pay it any mind. I will turn to the Lord and ask him to give me the strength to overcome it, and I move along with my day. My faith has really grown, and I am leaning more on Him!

Thank you for sharing your favorite scription. I love it! It uplifts my soul. I agree learning God’s promises does help to build a stronger relationship with Him. And I am so happy your customers are believers! I have been sharing my beliefs and spreading the word with my family more and more.

Yes, it was a great relief to share some personal and deep experiences with my brother because it opened him up also. Now, we have a better relationship than ever before. And yes, I have been helping my daughter in law with anxiety, depression and job hunting lol. She is wanting to start working and I am helping her with that. Which is great because I have been driving her around a lot and exposing myself to uncomfortable feelings of anxiety but not every time does it show up. Yesterday, we went for a 45 minute drive and I didn’t have an attack yes I had lingering sensations but I didn’t let them slow me down.

I have 2 kids of my own, my daughter is 13 years old and my son is 20 years old, my stepson is 22 years old but he lives in Arizona. And my daughter in law is 19 years old. My job hunting is going great! I have had many interviews and currently in the middle of prayer for which job to pick lol. I really want a job from home yet I also want a job where it’ll get me out of the house. So, I am leaning on Jesus for this, I know he knows what is best for me!
Yes, resolutions have to be within reach! Mostly my number one resolution is leaning on God more and trusting Jesus with life direction. Second, it conquer anxiety/panic/depression/intrusive thinking little by little each day. AGREE! 1% is better than zero! I am going to have to read this Atomic Habits book after I am done with the Anxious Truth book! You must love to read? Lol I am not a reader but lately I have been doing it everyday which helps because I feel more cognitive and mindful.

Lol Yea, me too I am feeling much better and actually a plane ride to Hawaii will be great exposure opportunity. I honestly, can’t wait until my family and I can see that beautiful place in person. Of course, I will be reaching out once we plan that lol I need to try your traditional foods! Thank you for your support and sharing your experience and journey with me. I can’t wait to hear your next success stories until next read. Take care and keep moving forward. God Bless You! Like always, I will continue to pray for you my friend and sister in Christ!

Love and Peace,