its bacckkk:(

Don't let a setback discourage you, face the challenge and come out stronger for it. Celebrate your successes and be open to all of new opportunities that are about to come into your life.

Post by Guest » Thu May 15, 2008 3:48 pm

This program was an actual miracle answer to prayer for me. I went through the program about two years ago. I have had a personal coach for the past year. After going through the program with a coach and a group I had hoped to become a coach. Then my life went through a major change. I now am helping my son raise his girls 7 and 9. My 35 year old daughter who was a crack addict, has had a beautiful baby girl(four weeks old), and we are celebrating life.

Yes, the panic attacks continue for me. The beautiful thing that I have learned is that you make it through them.
It's like the parable of when Jesus was in the boat with the disciples, the wind came up, they thought they were going to capsize. He was asleep in the back of the boat. ((No worries there!) They woke him up. He said, "It'll be OK." (My paraphrase.) And suddenly they were at the other shore.
Panic attacks are like that. You have them. You sail through them (or grind your way through them) and then you are on the other side. In my case, they haven't gone away. But I am no longer traumatized my them. I know it is a condition over which I have little control. I leave my life in God's hands and do the best I can.
Good luck to you as you learn to deal with yours. I have found that having them has made me a much more compassionate person. I am able to help others not to be so scared of them. Just knowing they are there, and we aren't going crazy has been a terrific help.
Carol S.


Post by Guest » Wed May 21, 2008 8:28 am

Where am I now?
Whenever someone would come up to me to ask a question concerning some issue. I believe I would run the Ol' Abbott and Costello comedy routine inside my head, "Who's on First, What's on Second, and I don't know is on Third." This would cause me to Snicker a bit as this would play out in my mind. But the sad part was that I thought I really didn't know Who, What, or the other thing.

You see before I started to engage in the program, I thought deeeeep down inside, unconsciously of course, that I was dumber than DIRT! Then slowly I started listening to the video/tapes/and books only to convince myself that by the time I reached Week 6/8, (I can't remember which) I had no idea what it was that I was trying to get. So I stopped studying 'cause I had bought into the "LIE" that I've choosen to be my truth that I would never get "IT!" The main idea of what Lucinda and the others wanted to pound inside me.

Then a MIRACLE OCCURRED! I had recieved a phone call from StressCenter asking me if I was working on the program and getting "IT!?"
I responded that I wasn't to which she replied I could get back on track if I was to get a Coach. Now once it was explained to me how much cash "IT" would cost me, and knowing that this would put me in a Financial Hole, I chose to take up her offer.

Within a few weeks my coach had hooked up with me over the phone and we where off to the "RACES!" Of 'course I felt deep down inside that I was picking a LOOSER! of a horse, me ,to bet on. But of 'course my Coach, I feel, knew better. And since having over 9 months in the program already, I wanted to start on the week I last tackled. But my Coach, Bob Bassett, told me I had to start all over with week 1.

Grumbling with discontent I decided to give in and swallow my pride. Still I was allowing my Perfectionistic and Low Self-Esteem attitude to run "THE BUS!" I had to do it all again and it didn't matter that I had done this week over and over again 6 times. OH WELL...Bob wanted me to do it, so I did. But by the time I WORKED the following lessions. I started to become more comfortable with the program as easily as I sank into this huge Beanbag chair that my sister, Annie owned when we were kids in her room.

AHHHHH....I can remember the coolness of that bag on the exposed parts of my arms and the back of my neck. And so as I began to see my side of a dirty street compared to all the other persons I had PEGGED as my personal ESCAPEGOATS! I was beginning to unearth a series of dead feelings that I deemed unnessary to come to terms with. My life had begun to shift, as well as my mind, to a better and healthier attitude that I never would of thought possible.

The Horrible deeds I had pinned on me like peeing my pants in Grade school,being a klutz everytime I came into a room with my dad present or why I chose to live my life like a patentic looser by becoming a hermit. I was beginning to understand why I had thought these things about me.

And so as I began to resurrect my steamer trunk of my Pandora's, The Ark, and all my Skeletons in the Closet, I started to climb out of the Mental Tarpit from Hell I had chosen to be stuck in. Once I realized that this knowledge would become my B.S. remover that would allow myself to start making a new direction and purpose on where I wanted my life to go.

Suddenly I was making plans. Cold Calling other businesses on the phone to convince them that they should invest in my Cartooning business to hire me to work their parties creating Personalized Comic Strips of the party goers (Birthdays, Anniversaries,Retirements, ect:). And guess what? I was having "FUN!"

Before this program I was full of self-doubt and worried constantly that I could never sell my products (Pick-A-Toons or TASTY TOONS). But by the time I had reached Week 6 a major shift had begun to occur in myself towards my abilities, beliefs, and direction I wanted my life to take on.

Now I had begun to see "THE LIGHT!" And once I had pugged into my Higher Power, I felt the word had taken on a new "GLOW!" Now I'm sure that those of you reading this are probably saying, Yeah... but he's not as bad off as I am! ----WRONG!!!!!
I suffer with both Manic Depression and Schizophrenia and have been on over a dozen or so medications to control it, too. So if you're trying to discount everything I've said. That's you're choice.

Because I would've done the same thing, too. Until up to this point, I thought all I had to do was read Self-Help books to find the answers to my life. And even after filling my bookshelves up with all of these books and allowing me to get a "GLIMPS" of what they were offered me.

It just wasn't enough, because I'd just sink back down into my personal pit from Hell. I really had no hope for a decent existance until now. The the program program has allowed me to grom new "SEALEGS!" And to get back out there and use them as I continue, now to grow my business, making networking contacts, and just enjoying my life, like I have never done beforer, until now.

Thanx to all my Angels at StressCenter.
James B. A happy campier, now!


Post by Guest » Thu May 22, 2008 1:01 pm

WOW James - you are such an expresive writer!!

Well, I have hit my first growth spurt after finishing and I guess it is a good thing I have tied myself down to the financial committment of college, cuz I have to finish the semister since there is no way to not pay for it!

What a week of stretches. We have had devestating emotional/relationship peaks and death valleys this week, But I am still conscious and on my feet. trying my best to remember all the tools in my moments of absolute panic or disaster. So far only one really major oops. :eek:

I too am grateful for having a coach. I know I would never have made it through the program and thus I would not have found my future life.

Lucinda and her team are angles! :D
Scrappymom and future Muscle Therapist


Post by Guest » Fri May 23, 2008 5:11 pm

When Lucinda said after you complete this course that you would be changing things in your life. And boy was she right. Below is a proposal I wrote to start my transformation. If anyone out there knows any way I can better it. Please speak up. I'm willing to make any necessary changes. Thanx.
James B.

A Cartooning Class Proposal To The Tucson Parks and Recreation Department

The propose of this proposal is to introduce a dynamic method of cartoon graphic illustration for ages 8 and up in a 1 hour classroom period each week for a 12 week period by gifted illustrator, James B.


At the very early age of 8, I created my first drawing of a Stickman Superman. It wasn’t much to look at, but in my mind I was amazed by this feat, so much so that I wanted to draw some more. So through out my school age years I continued to partake in every art class I could. This enthusiasm stayed with me as I propelled myself through High School and College. Afterwards I moved up to Tempe and enrolled into Advertising Art at The Al Collins Graphic Design School where I earned my “Visual Communication” degree. Having now mastered the drawn image I decided to become an Entrepreneur by starting up a Small Business using the power of comic strips as my main product. And so “TOONS4U” was born, some 42 years later. During this time I often volunteered my services and skills to various handicap centers within the Tucson area. Willing to work on their newsletters as well as starting up art classes to teach their clients some art skills.
While working a freelancing business with a number of local businesses to produce various art designs for their needs. For Steve O’Choa at Channel 13 News I created a number of visual art pieces that he uses in his Power Point Presentations. For Guyton Chiropractic I created fliers and visual diagrams for his clients to be use in their treatments with him. The Caliber Group I created a Political cartoon for their champagne on Propos ion 100 on last years ballet. And then an Editorial cartoon for R.I.S.E. An agency that deals with helping the handicap to return to the job market by teaching them new skills to cope with stress and emotional problems.

Project Plan and Description

My process involves a mental/physical process to which I plan to teach students the basic “4” shapes I learned to draw over and over again with, until these objects became second nature to me through mastering both hand and eye coordination. The amount of study time I would like to have would be 12 weeks to which I would break the individual classes/subjects down as follows:
1. Learning Basic Design. A. Circle, B.) A Square, C.) A Triangle, and D.) A Cylinder. Allotted class time 2 weeks.
2. The Technical Side of Drawing Cartoon Shapes. ( 2. weeks)
3. The Process of Breaking Down / Rebuilding Drawn Images. (2. weeks)
4.Development of Students Characters. ( 2. weeks)
5. Development of Plot and Substance of Comic Strips (A History of Comics) (2. weeks)
6. Brainstorming / Group Participation In Final Project. (2 weeks)

Area and Population Served

I would like to offer this course to all city wide participants, but would prefer to conduct my class on the East Side of town at the Randolf Park Center.

Expected Project Outcome

My goal is more than to teach students how to draw cute little images. I plan to teach them Creative Critical Thinking Skills as well as Problem Solving, Visual/ Verbal Communication, and Team Working Skills that they’ll be able to use through out their lives. Images to be applied to all forms of art.

Total Projected Cost

I am asking for $26.00 an hour for my time teaching students in a 1 hour time slot. This is my usual freelancing fee that I charge my clients. The total charge to you, my employer comes to $312.00 (For a 12 week X 1 hour classroom setting.) I am requesting that the Tucson Parks and Recreation supply my class (10 to 12 students to start off with) white paper, pencils, pencil sharpeners, and erasers. If however you are unable to do this, then I will provide the necessary tools at a cost to you at $60.00. Bringing my entire rate to $372.00. per 12 week class period.

In Conclusion

This would be a Golden Opportunity for the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department to offer a beginning course in drawing (Figures/ Characters) for individuals or anyone who would be interested in enhancing their abilities to draw for profit or pleasure. Thank you for your consideration.

Posts: 183
Joined: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:24 pm

Post by ~*schnauzermom*~ » Tue May 27, 2008 9:45 am

WOW! What a powerful testimonial...and then a followup of Action! Good job! You are Living the program and that's what it takes to sustain your it necessitates Practicing what you learn. That's the way we get good at anything.

I love your proposal. I would take it one step further. I would look for any organization that has an after school program-I bet the children attending would be great students. Often a government funded program has monies set asside to pay motivated instructors such as yourself.

Fabulous! Happy for you, Carolyn
"Afterall, everybody only hears what he understands." by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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