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Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:27 am
by Boone
This program worked wonders for me and I was great for nearly two years. Then about a month ago I let stress at work bring the body symptoms and anxiety back in. It took a couple weeks for me to realize I needed my tapes again. I feel like I am getting it under control except for "stupid" obsessive thoughts about being tired or groggy headed at work. This seems to be a real phobia for me. I dread the thought of being tired and groggy, yet the stress of worrying about it in the morning actually causes it. I feel like a dog chasing its tale. It makes me laugh thinking about how irrational it is - but I can't seem to stop it consisitently.

Can anyone offer suggestions - I am really mad at myself for letting this get out of hand - life was sooo good without the anxiety.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:03 am
by Guest

You have given so many wonderful pieces of advice to people on this forum (including me!)over the time that I have been here and I think that we all need to realize that we need a little boost every once in awhile.

I would take a look at the "why" you are feeling the dread about being tired or groggy at work? Is it from being competitive, or under someone else's perception of the way you should be? I am sure you are a terrific person to work around, full of motivation and drive. But, we are all human and letting yourself be "healthy selfish" is a very important step in keeping your anxiety under control.

I think you actually hit the nail on the head...go back to the tapes! That's what they are there for! It took us HOW long to get into this anxiety (I am counting 20+ years myself)? I think it is going to take a little more than we think sometimes to get past it completely and have it in check from now on.

Don't get down on yourself! In fact, pat yourself on the back for admitting that you are having a growth spurt! The program states that our minds are WANTING this to happen so we can test our new skills. Well, this is your time to underreact and make some small accommodations to right the ship.

I am here for you, man. IM me if you need to talk anytime!

Good luck,

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:13 am
by Guest
Boone - This is about resistance. Obsessive thinking and worry are always triggered by thoughts, phrases, words. I recommend you sit for 15 minutes a day and write down your trigger words, phrases, etc. Read them daily for 15 minutes. That means repeating them over and over again until the buzzer goes off to let you know your 15 minutes are up. Breathe into the discomfort that you may feel. Let yourself know that you are desensitizing and that this is OK. You want the anxiety to occur. It will pass and soon these things will no longer be bothering you.

My best to you.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:45 am
by Guest

Thanks for the advice - I will try that tomorrow morning - if I start to worry about being tired. It mainly happens when I wake up and when I first get to work then by late morning I am okay - except I have wore myself out a little from the worrying.

So do you mean I would say to myself "I don't know why I am tired, why am I tired?, I hate being tired?," This is the kind of thoughts that go through my head in the morning. It sounds pretty silly when I write it out :)
I know this is negative thinking and I should be saying "no big deal" but I seem to be stubborn to change!!

Looks they had us confused in the message above.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:52 am
by Guest
Panic attacks, anxiety, ocd - any phobia (including worry) can not be healed just by reading what to do. We must take action. Writing it out seems silly but it is important. It is experiencing first hand the discomfort that helps us to get over it. Writing will help to desensitize you from your concerns and you'll see the truth of the situation from experience and not from sitting on the sidelines. Writing it out is constructive worry and will take you where you need to go. Worrying in your head is not constructive and will take you nowhere but in circles.

In that 15 minutes of writing do not try to fix anything or make it better. Write what troubles you and what creates anxiety for you. Really feel the discomfort when it arises.

My best to you.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:03 am
by Guest
Hey Boone,
If you see this, did you ever have luck with this issue? This is my daily struggle and would love assistance. I am stuck at week 10 and the struggles (real events) that happen in my life are just overwhelming me right now.

I want to wake up everyday glad its a new day full of unlimited potential.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:12 am
by Guest
Hey there scrappymom!
I just happened to see your post as I was snooping on the website! I have been in the program now for 14 weeks using a coach and it has taught me so much!! I was feeling really great - better and better and getting very busy again!! But I will tell you that this past week has been a real test for me and the skills I have learned. I had a bad PMS week and have felt kind of tired and groggy again. I used all my skills over and over and was working very hard thinking I could get rid of the icky feelings. Well I could not get rid of the icky feelings and was wondering what skills I was not using. Why would it not go away. Well when I talked to my coach (a week later) about how I handled it. Well to my surprise I learned that I was really working too hard. The goal was to accept that sometimes we don't feel good and we need to just take care of ourselves. Do not deny that you feel bad - which is what I was trying to do. What we need to learn is to comfort ourselves and float through whatever is happening. The main thing I was told was to be honest with myself at all times.

I know that this program has so much to teach all of us and we must keep on learning and practicing. Life is a great journey and I am enjoying the ride!!!! Even if a groggy head makes me a little frustrated now and then - TEE HEE!!

Take Care!!!