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Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:47 pm
by DaveChamb
Hi guys,

Im so pleased to have discovered this forum!
The attacking anxiety program pretty much saved my life about 15 months ago.
When I was at my absolute worst 2 years ago I knew I was a stressed and anxious mess and decided to start studying architectural technology in university despite my CONSTANT 24hr anxiety and tension. The university course was anxiety producing at times but the program taught me a wonderful level of control that I am eternally grateful for. I have also had wonderful holidays and coped beautifully in the past 15 months.
I graduated university 2 months ago and a month ago I began full time work for an architects practice.

Unfortunately, gradually my symptoms have been coming back for the last 4 weeks and the worst is the constant muscle tension and head aches which seem to make the anxiety very hard to control. It feels like it did when i was spiralling into the worst i ever felt at my job a few years ago.
Its really annoying because the job isnt even very stressful. I suppose thats proof that i'm creating these feelings myself but I suppose I'm just looking for some sort of encouragement. The first week in work was fine :(

I havent worked full time for over 2 years so I am very proud to have 'put my foot through the anticipatory wall' and started work. I am just finding this very difficult.

Thank you all for supporting us

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:30 pm
by Guest
Of course you're finding it difficult, you haven't worked full time in 2 years. You are dong extremely well though, in that you are sticking with it.

Soon your anxiety will fade as soon as you start settling into your new job, Change is stressful and takes adaptation.

You completed the first week and were fine, so focus on how good that felt, and the positive dialog you gave yourself. Don't dwell on how you used to feel in your old job, Don't look back to the past, it's not where your going!

You're doing well, and a few little symptoms never heard anybody ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:37 am
by debra2005
Dave: Give yourself permission to feel a little anxiety as you adjust to this big change. Even good changes are stressful, and you have come a long way. What you said about feeling the same as you did when it was spiraling to the worst resonated with me. I have had a couple of growth spurts in the past two years, I think mainly because I started to get really scared that "oh no, here it is happening again!" and then boom! So now, when I start to feel like I did just before it got really bad, I greet those feelings, and welcome them! I talk to myself very patiently and kindly, and say Hello anxiety, what are you trying to tell me. Thanks for the message but I am NOT afraid of you. And move on, so far it has worked! Good luck,
formerly Sleepless Mom