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Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:52 pm
by suzzie
I'm still terrified of getting a mamogram because of a doctor putting the fear of God into me when he found a lump many, many years ago. After scaring me to death, and having the mamogram, they suggested having a denser mamogram. The doctor then said, no, we will just check it every six months. Thats when I found a chiropractor who did deep tissue massage and got rid of them. When ever I have had lumps (fibrocystic breasts) I would go see him, then have mamogram. It was always clear. My question is when you go for mamograms now a days and have fibrocystic breast, do they panic or just know that its only fibrocystic breasts? I'm afraid to go, so I just make sure my chiropractictor checks me. Please help, I've already had a post about this, but I need as much positive feedback as possible (this is one of my biggest fears) Thanks again, Suzzie

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:24 am
by Guest
Hi Suzzie,

I just took a chance that you posted this topic on the Chronic topic post. Did you get my private response yesterday? Again, I talked and visited my doctors while i was feeling the little cystic stuff adn then eventually had the mamogram.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:01 pm
by Guest
Hi there!,
I did get your message, it takes me a little time to figure out where I left messages, and how to look for responses to mine. Your message helped me so much, just knowing someone else has this problem and actually got a mamogram, lumps and all, and it was OK!!!!! Now, I just have to work on my fears alittle more, then get up the guts to go to the doctor. I fear so much, its just stupid. I fear I will get any disease out there, what if I have high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, brain tumor, you name it, I fear it. I just pray one day I'll not worry the way I do about my health, its obsessive. Thanks so much, Suzzie

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:31 am
by Guest
It's ok, you are not alone. I have the same fears. I am learning through the program to underreact. I don't know how old you are, but if you just go to your OB for an exam, maybe you won't even have to take a mamogram. I am going to my OB in a few weeks, so i will hope to get more answers then. I was told by my Stress coach that hypochondriasis is just a form of distraction and an avoidance behavior. So i am trying to accept that every day and talk to myself reasonably as my family would. It is feeling lately like a "habit" of thinking. Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:28 am
by Guest
Good morning,
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I've had mamograms before I started this fear. I know I should have one, I'll be 59 on friday. My breasts are so sore, thats all I think about, along with the scary thoughts about it. I just got the book by Sam Obitz, (Been there, Done that, Do this), maybe this book will help me a little, it seems to help alot of people. What do you think? Suzzie

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:55 am
by Guest
Did your doctors in teh past say that the soreness was from the cystic breast tissue? also , do you have a family history, how often is your recommended mamograms? just trying to understand your situation. Anyone else have advice for her that knows a bit more?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:24 am
by Guest
The soreness is because of fibercystic breast tissue. I'm supposed to get mamogram every year, although I don't, because of fear of doctors and tests. My chiropractor always checks me and gets rid of these and never finds anything else. This makes me feel relieved. I wonder if there is something other than staying off caffene and artificial sweetners we could take or do to rid ourselves completely. I heard after we pass menopause, all of this, including hot flashes, goes away. Well, I've gone through it, no more monthly visitor for years now, but still get hot flashes and fibercystic problem. Any help, would be GREAT!, and LMM, your an angel, to be so helpful, thank you again, Suzzie

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:40 am
by Guest
i understand better now. i should say that i am 36 years old, so i am not past menopause, but i have a grandma with breast cancer, so they have already done 1 baseline with me adn one more 3 years after that. so for me, i am just looking forward to my OB appoint and go from there. but i think an OB is a good start - they feel breast all the time.