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Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:52 am
by Ms. Hopeful
Does anyone else suffer with frequent skipped beats? I've been thoroughly checked out by a heart dr. and have had several EKG's this year (usually ER visits for panic attacks) and I still have them and they still scare me. I know I need to not be moved by them but I still avoid doing things because of them. I get very frustrated and wonder if the dr. is missing something. I'm tired of going to various drs. (I've been to so many this year) and getting test after test (thank God we have insurance) and everything comes back fine. That I am very grateful for. Any advice??

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:14 am
by Guest
Youa are like the mirror of me. I got a thorough check up, but I still stress over my symptoms. I get palpitations and flutter in my chest everyday. They said not to worry, but when I get them I cannot help myself I get so scared and constantly worry if the doctors missed something. Even though it is bad, it's refreshing to know that someone else has the same fears as me.

We just have to believe that we are okay and keep pushing on.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:20 am
by Guest
I too have suffered with something similar for the past 8 years. I have a rapid resting heart rate with periodic palpitations. I was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia. It's nothing serious, I just take a small beta blocker every night before bed and it helps. It's also been linked to anxiety help, as performers use it for stage fright. My cardiologist told me to cough really hard when I have a palpitation, as it helps get things back on track. I would suggest you ask your doctor about a stress test and halter monitor test so they can see if your heart is doing anything weird throughout the day.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:32 am
by Guest
This happens to me too...the PVC's. I started taking 250 mg of magnesium daily, and it took several weeks but they almost disappeared. PVC's are common, especially if you are over 40 like me!
Also, I started telling them I was glad to see them when I had them...thanking them for sending me a signal to slow down and relax. That helped me not over-react to them.

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 1:04 am
by Guest
Actually every human has PVC's. Most never know or feel them. But high strung or anxious people do, and once aware they can scare the heck out of you.
Ive had them forever, but doctor put me on a beta blocker, so now I rarely feel them and since I know what they are, try to relax and breathe when I do feel them. The more stressed or anxious you are the worse they get.
Lots of good suggestions here.