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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:11 am
by Jacksgirl
I live with my list. It is a struggle and keeps the hospital rich. It would be good to be free of all this. I have Pulmanary Hypertension, Overweight from meds, Car Pulmanel, Hardeneng of the arteries in my lungs and a rare from of Psoriases on my feet with a connective tissue disease involved that has had me in a wheelchair for the last 12 years plus I'm on oxygen 24 hours a day with 8 liters a minute of oxygen.

Before all this happened to me I loved camping and almost everything having to do with outdoors and I miss it all. I am terminal so I know I will never get to do any of it again.

I think of how I'm blessed, I have a wonderful husband that has taken over my care, two grown children and 7 grandchildren who all love me, I love reading and quilting and I have friends who love me. I have been married to the same man since 1962 and we are still in love.

I am still not depressed over it though even though I miss living like I used to, I give it to God all day long and He gives me peace. I need someone to tell this to though and I thank all of you for letting me.


Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:55 pm
by catz
Dont you give up now and go planning your funeral! If you believe in god you will know he heals the sick. Its great you give him thanks and glory. God said if the righteous call out his name he will hear you. You just have to believe and he will heal you. Just let his will be done not yours. Read Psalms alot. I have seen miraculous things happen when ppl call on the name jesus! You must fight for your life. Let him know you have more work to do on this earth for him rather than be dead! He will hear ya. I am praying for you now. Let me know if this helps.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:57 pm
by Jacksgirl
Thank you Catz.

I am so glad you ae praying for me. I have no desire to die. I want to live and serve God. I want to live for my husband, kids and grandchildren and for myself. I have been praying in the name of Jesus for healing and have been healed of some things that made the list longer. :)

I asked my Dr. if there was anything I did in my life that caused any of this and she said no. There wasn'r anything I could have done. I am left with understanding for others who have things wrong and can't find freedom from it. I pray for people who have sicknesses. I have someone in my family who suffers greatly with depression and I pray for them. It is like my diseases, they didn't do anything to cause it and they can't get rid of it. They will have to learn to controll it with God's help.

I think this program might be good for them, it is an answer to "I just don't know".

Catz, I will pray for you too, please pray also for my loved one. :)

Jacksgirl :p

Faith makes things possible, not easy

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:27 am
by jillE
Dear Jacksgirl
God Bless You! I had a mother who had ALS and lived seven yrs,when the dr's told her she would be dead in six months to one yr. Her faith was unshakeable and it sounds like yours is too.
I know that with God's help you will conquer this and live more yrs to do the work God put you on this earth for. I am praying for you and your family.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:40 pm
by tammytwosocks
I too used to be a chronic disease sufferer but now thanks to a medical breakthrough I am now a picture of health.

You should try Xango - mangosteen juice. There are a lot of benefits in it and some are for pain, depression, cancer and various other ailments. I can only say please look up xanthones and Xango. It is nature's miracle and
God's own creation for medicinel(sp) purposes!!!

Susie :)

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:36 am
by TrueBlue
Where do you get this juice? I have chronic reflux and anxiety. Does it help with both?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:12 am
by rica516
I'd maintain a healthy skepticism about "miracle" products. I have never heard of it and plan to do some research on line and on PubMed (it is a government database of research articles) before using it.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:21 am
by tammytwosocks
Go ahead and look it up but also know that there
is a study going on with raspberries and cancer
This is another product used in Mangosteen juice!!
There is also blueberries and strawberries which
are known also to be antioxidants!!! You are given the option to distribute but it is really like joining Sam's club and you can buy it at a
reduced price. I am not selling but buying for
myself and I can tell you there are doctors who
are very interested in what is happening with
their patients using this juice. I have gotten
off all medications and I can tell you between
eating organic food and the juice I feel GREAT!!!!! What works for one may not work for
someone else!! Who knows - You maybe allergic to
berries and fruits and cannot drink it!
Also you might be interest to know the proceeds go
to children's charities such as the Steve Young Foundation, Organ transplants for children, the
Christmas Box Fund, and underprivileged children
all over the world. So I feel good about it and
have no skepticism but you can form your own
Susie :D

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:28 am
by tammytwosocks
Oh by the way as for the government data base ---
You might be interested to know that NASA chief
surgeon Sam Walters highly reccommends this product after many years of research about supplements and I used to use the ones he was using with the program. Maybe he knows something?!!!! My brother also works for the government and I should hope he knows something too since he is a CEO of a company I cannot mention!!!! :p

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:01 am
by tammytwosocks
Just another note about Dr. Sam Walters .....
He says " I am a naturopathic medical doctor and hold a Master of Science in Biology with an emphasis in human nutrition. I practice tradional and non-traditional medicine and have treated over 50,000 patients in my career. For more than 30 years I have formulated health and nutritional products for pharmaceutical companies and other nutritional companies including the NASA Space Center for astronauts. I am always looking for new products and new companies offering something unique and effective that can benefit my patients without adverse side effects or negative reactions."
Also he says - " In my thirty-year experience I have never encountered anything that has the amount of independent scientific research as that of the mangosteen fruit. Research from Medical universities all over the world show the xanthones in the mangosteen contains elements that literally help to correct and kill many diseases that occur today."

I did not say it was a "Miracle" food!!!
Only the evidence is there to back it up!!!
