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Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:58 pm
by Enigma
I have been experiencing breathing issues at times with a feeling of fullness up to the back of my throat. I find that it impairs physical activity. I have been thoroughly checked for heart issues and none exist. Has anyone ever experienced this with reflux and how have you combated it?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:38 pm
by cream cheese
I was diagnosed in the past with Gastritis and IBS.HOwever, I can say only I feel like my swallowing gets more into a "lump" and I cough or choke alot while eating. I have a family member who has very bad stomach problems..GERD..he says it feels like a fist in his back at times. Or chest pain that feels like its his heart. Hes been tested from top to bottom. He is a typical Type A personality, gets stressed easily and worries about his health alot.....too much infact to the point It gets him sick. His mind is making him sick literally. I find this method works best for me when my stomach problems act up. I change my mind to the positive and shift to bland easily digestable foods.....thats all.....when a negative thought comes in I push it out or replace it with another. It takes practice, believe me, intense concentration is necessary. You are actually fogetting that negative thought. Stomach disorders appear to be in people who are high strung. Its our core really. HOpe I helped you out a bit. creamcheese

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:23 am
by Enigma
Thanks for the reply. I am at a loss as to whats happening. I do have a constant small amount of flem. Other then that I have no other issues besides the breathing. I always try not to focus on it but of course its there to get in the way.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:54 pm
by SissyQ
I have experienced the same symptoms. Especially have problems breathing in the cold snowy weather. I would lose my breath going outside and also just climbing up one flight of steps. And I have the full feeling . Where my stomach pushed up with gas and its very uncomfortable. I also have the lump in the throat when i swallow.. GRRR! Every time i eat or Drink.
I do suffer with allergies all yr round. And I also have Generalized anxiety disorder. And have for a lot of yrs. These breathing problems have scared me enough that my agoraphobia has now kicked in again. But, I have noticed that since the weather is warmer now my breathing is much better. but I'm still having reflux problems.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:37 pm
by cream cheese
When I experience physical symptoms after getting stressed, I pinpoint that emotion and eliminate it. I have to. If I dont I will become incapacitated to the point of extreme lethargy. It has happened a number of times and the this last time was the worst. THE MIND IS SO POWERFUL, IT MAKES YOU SICK PHYSICALLY if you dont get a hold of it in the beginning.!!! I have always dealt with my stress/depression related symptoms with a Holistic view and prayer and Bible readings.I dont run to doctors. I am a RN so I know when something should be tended to.
But there have been moments where I have went to the doctor and usually nothing is found. Like Crying Wolf....we must as humans try to understand and focus on our minds and the power it has over the total body. The mind is more powerful than the physical body as far as I am concerned. We unfortunatley were not properly trained in our early years on how to effectively deal with our emotions when they get awry. Its a big job now as we get older. But its worth it because in the end it makes you much much stronger both mentally and physically. We as humans have alot to accomplish in our lives to decipher how to control the mind when we get down and stressed. creamcheese.