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Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:39 am
by The Hall Kids Mom
I was doing really good with the anxiety and panic until yesterday. I was walking out of Walmart with my husband all of a sudden I got this feeling that I couldnt left my arms...they felt heavy and weak...then my chest and back start to hurt...not sharp pains but a feeling of fullness or cramping ( kinda hard to explain)...we walked to the truck I got in took off my bra and he rubbed my back and down my left side and it went away...what was that? I know you cant rub a heart attack away so I dont think it was that but whatever it was it was scarey and it has had my all panicky now. What to do? !!! Thank you for listening, Cheryl

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:40 am
by Guest
Sounds like your textbook anxiety attack!

If you think it was something different, you can go to the doctor and they have tests for that.

Are you going through the program?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:51 am
by Guest
Definitely sounds like a panic attack to me to. When I first started having the panic attacks way back when I was just a young adult the beginning symptoms were similar to what you described. It got so bad at times that my arms, lips, and fingers would tingle and feel numb. I would get really lightheaded and disoriented feeling. The worst ones would bring on a tunnel vision type thing that really freaked me out. Thankfully over the years I have not had those type of panic attacks anymore but still do get the feeling of weakness and being disoriented. It is scary but just keep telling yourself that it is just anxiety coming out. I have started saying "I am kicking you to the curb, just leave me the heck (not the word I use lol) alone! This is a wonderful group of compassionate and very helpful people. If you haven't been to the chatroom yet please come join us and meet others who know first hand what you are going through. :)

God bless and hugs,

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:52 am
by Guest
I agree with Susan I had alot of those symptoms when I started having my attacks,then I freaked out and thought I was having strokes, went to the emergency room a couple of times. I now know what it is so I just try to talk myself down when having them the program is being very helpful too, I think we just have to hang in there, and things will start getting better. I have a turmoil going on right now, went to the doctor for an exam this morning and she found 3 lumps in my breasts, she says they feel fluidy and move around, but I'm having a diagnostic mamogram Friday, so now I'm really nervous and anxious over this, I could use some insight and comfort right now, hope to hear from you. Thanks