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Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:24 am
by Juno
Recently I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and as I began reading more about the syndrome I realized many people could benefit and get check out to make sure they don't have real physical symptoms like I have been having. Apparently this is not a disease of the heart, it affects the central nervous system and is also known as dysautonomia. It masquerades as simple anxiety or panic disorder or often as hypoglycemia or even ADD, but it is a real and separate illness cause by an imbalance in the central nervous system. Symmptoms include panic attacks, anxiety, heart palpitations, fatigue, low blood pressure, dehydration, severe sensitivity to caffeine and stimulants, shortness of breath, sleeping difficulty, depression, mood swings, dizziness, headaches, twitching muscles, numbness or tingling, chest pain, acute feeling of the senses and others.
If you are diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolaplse, there is a 40% chance you can have this syndrome. I do. I can't explain how much I have benefitted from the program in managing my symptoms though through meditation and visualization and through knowing important information. I no longer have panic attacks despite the disorder and feel so much better. There's a helpful book about it I just read, The Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome/Dysautonomia Survival Guide by John G. Furiasse, M. D.

Re: MVPS/Dysautonomia

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:47 pm
by rae75
I have mild MVP and was heartbroken when I found out. All this time Iwas thinking I was going crazy.

Re: MVPS/Dysautonomia

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:49 pm
by dw6692
I have MVPS too and hope this program will help me to get rid of the panic attacks and to manage the anxiety. I think the relaxation CD will definitely help to calm my nervous system.

Re: MVPS/Dysautonomia

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:40 pm
by play82
mitral valve prolapse affects almost 50% of female population (there are certain predisposed subgroups....tall/thin is one) and so many Dr.'s dismiss it as not serious or needing to be treated. However, for some (my mom had this situation) it causes panic attacks and many physical symptoms described. The great thing is the beta-blockers, in these cases, can totally stop the panic attacks and fatigue and many other symptoms. I still think this program is great (for pretty much everyone), but don't overlook the beta blockers. My mom has taken them for 40 years and they totally stopped panic attacks for her. She does take a very low dose of an older drug (inderal) and NOT the newer long acting. She takes a few times a day, but finds this regime causes far fewer side effects. Beta blockers are safe and it is so worth a try!