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Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:34 am
by purplepansy
I was just wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed with diverticultis? I was back in May of 2006 and then had a surgery to remove eight inches of my colon in September 2006. The surgery took a lot out of me, and I think the experience has contributed to some of the anxiety I now feel when it comes to symptoms. Visted a gastroenterologist recently who said my symptoms were probably related to the toll the surgery took on me, but I almost feel like it's come back. I was told it's impossible, but possible which didn't put my mind at ease. Anyone gone through a similar experience and did you completely recover?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:50 pm
by Guest
I was recently diagnosed with diverticulitis,that is the worse that I ever felt in my life! However mine is easily controlled with diet. The toll that it took on my body and MIND I am still dealing with! I lost 15 pounds in two weeks and was extremly weak. I thought that I was going to die and that for sure that I had CANCER! That messed with my anxiety badly and I had nightly attacks and was finally put on xanax to rest because not being calm was not helping my condition! Well needless to say I had a CT scan and all was well, except for the diverticulitis! I am still dealing with the mental effects of this disease because unlike you I have NOT had surgery. I am just having to dramatically change my eating habits and also start exercising. I think that we will recover, but only if we can recover our minds first! We can do this! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:41 am
by Guest

I have been diagnosed with h-pylori and I am awaiting a apointment witha GI doctor today. I have been on 2 diffrent antibotic treatmernts and I still have it. Now Im worried that it is something more serious and that they are not correctly diagnosing me. Has anyone gone through this? does anyone alse have h-pylori?