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Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:08 pm
by MaxCat
Over the past year I have purchased about $500,000 worth of life insurance! My husband is going to be very rich if a panic attack ever kills me. I'm only 44 with no children.

Does anyone else have a lot of life insurance "just incase"?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:00 pm
by l streight
O yea I did the same thing - My saying is I know there is a tree out there with my name on it.
Originally posted by l streight:
Originally posted by MaxCat:
Over the past year I have purchased about $500,000 worth of life insurance! My husband is going to be very rich if a panic attack ever kills me. I'm only 44 with no children.

Does anyone else have a lot of life insurance "just incase"?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:55 pm
by Guest
Hi there!
No, I don't have much life insurance.
I'd like to purchase a bit more.
But not for the reason that I fear
a panic attack might kill me.
I don't fear that because I learned from the program that the anxiety and panic is really not dangerous.
But I will be 80 on my next birthday in December. I have diabetes and high blood pressure. So I might not live especially long.
This does not freighten me at all. We will all leave this world sometime. I fully believe that my soul will live on and that the life
after this world is a much better place. So I kind of think that it will be a new adventure.

What I want to do is live each day as peacefully and as happily as I can. I would like to make it a better place for the people around me. (But I probably don't).

It is best to ease up. Just not take every little thing so seriously. Live one day at a time.
Live in the present. The program tells you how to do that.
Be at peace with everyone as much as it is up to you. (or me).
Best of luck to you all!!!
I wish you peace and joy in life.
Mary Jane

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:09 pm
by Panic Attack Lance
Mary Jane - Bless your heart, very well said. I would be more then happy to have you as my friend! Please stay in touch Mary Jannne :)

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:12 am
by katrinabgood
Mary Jane, what a wonderful philosophy! I realize how old this post is, but I had to respond... your words really say it all, and pretty much sum up what I hope to be able to achieve. Thank you for opening my eyes!