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Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:12 am
by bobpriest
Hi. I've been free of panic symptoms for a few years until just recently. Since I have been weaned from Lexapro and am med free, I have been having much stronger episodes of acid reflux and GERD, Has anyone had any similar problems and have found a cure?


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:49 pm
by fischee
Congrats on being med free- :DWAHOO!!!:D
I have acid reflux, too, and am taking nexium for it. However, I'm also taking ginger root capsules (to soothe my stomach) and aloe vera capsules (to heal inflamation of stomach lining and esophagus). I've had success with both, in addition to acupressure, and hope to be off nexium in the next couple months.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:31 pm
by Danny M
I too suffer from Gerd! I have been taking nexium for about a year and it has gotten better put still bothers me a whole lot! How do the two relate??

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 1:14 am
by fischee
Do you mean a.r. and acupressure? (*NOT acupuncture)

This isn't the case for everyone and I know it seems peculiar, but it has been true for me.

I've always carried a lot of tension in my neck/shoulders, and despite regular visits to a chiropractor and massage therapist these muscles have drawn my shoulders foward causing very poor posture. As a result, I've developed a hatial hernia causing acid reflux.

Initially, I would stretch and hear my breastbone pop. It finally go to the point that nothing would move; when I would sneeze, the pain was excruciating! Anyway my acupressurist has been working on "correcting" my posture by relaxing the deep, deep muscles so my chiropractor can finally adjust my beastbone.

Meanwhile, I've also been "assigned" core work to strengthen my abs so I stand up straight.

I know, quirky huh? Just thought I'd throw it out there because maybe someone else is as weird as me.<span class="ev_code_PINK">;*)</span>

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:09 pm
by goddess sparkle
Hey Fischee, I got diagnosed with a hiatal hernia last year with mild reflux but my doc never told me that my posture has anything to do with it. I have the worst slumping habit!! I try to correct it especially at work where I try to be ergonomically correct. I have THE WORST upper back, shoulder and neck soreness for years and been wanting to get a professional massage for a while. It gives me headaches too. And I think I should buy a new mattress and pillows. I've felt my sternum pop a lot too, haha. That's funny. Any suggestions?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:53 am
by fischee
This is going to sound WAY OUT THERE, but bear with me... This one is for your lower back (and pelvic bone- which has a lot to do with how you carry your body and is easily agitated by carrying babies... though I've never been pregnant? Go figure...)

Get about a 12 inch ball (any ball really- I have the 'Bender Ball,' and I'm also the Queen of info-mercials- HA). Lay flat on the floor and bring your knees up so your feet are still on the floor but about 8 inches from your tailbone. Place both feet together and open your knees, putting the ball between them. Slowly and firmly apply pressure not only so the ball stays in place, but if your lower back/pelvis is 'out' you will hear a dull pop like you would at a chiropractor.

The first time my acupressurist helped me with this I nearly died with relief... I heard little pops ALL the way across my lower back. For years my lower back has been locked, and I went to one chiropractor or another (even got strapped into this stretching machine- don't ask...) but had little to no relief. It's been 3 months and I still perform this exercise nightly but the pops are smaller and smaller... my back is finally back in place and holding itself erect. Oh, if you feel a numbness after the first time (I did not) wrap an ice pack in a towel and place it across your lower back for 20 mins.- always ice skeletal issues and heat muscular.

OK- this is also really crazy. Because my lower back has been dislocated for so long it caused digestive problems... now that my back is healthier (and I drink LOTS of water) no more rabbit turds of constipation.

Lastly, the upper body posture. My posture was so bad, I'm only 35 and was already getting a dowager's hump- one of those funky Qusimodo (sp) things on my neck, and I do receive regular massages. The massage helps tremendously in temporarily in alleviating the tension, but my therapist cannot practice truly DEEP TISSUE- which is what my acupressurist initially began with. Let me preface that it hurts like hell initially- you HAVE to know your belly breathing, but within 5 seconds the pain is gone and the muscle has released. Naturally, he started out less deep (it certainly didn't feel like it) and each week would release tension in deeper muscles.

Now when I go in, the muscles release almost immediately (15 mins. max.), and he is on to the skeletal- he isn't using the bone-wenching manipulation like a chiropractor only firm pressure. He's owned the local massage/alternative therapy school for over 30 years and has trained every massage therapist I've been able to find any (even the most minimal amount) of relief from- so he's legitimate and trustworthy. PLEASE do not let just any acupressurist perform these exercises- he was also working on me for over 2 months before he began working on my sternum.

Oh, I used to suffer at LEAST 4-6 major migraines a month and had nearly daily headaches. I've had ONE hormonal migraine since May and have an occasional headache that is relieved with ibuprofen and a catnap.

OK, on to the upper back. Even while I was seeing my chiropractor (haven't been for awhile), he recognized that my skeletal issues were caused by tense muscles so the cycle was never-ending. The first time Lonnie (my acupressurist) worked on my sternum I thought he would crush me- VERY uncomfortable and I was tender for a couple days. It still isn't a pleasant experience, but I’ve seen (and so have friends) and FELT the results and it's totally worth it.

Realigning the sternum is not something you can do yourself, but he did give me exercises I can share with you.

The first is to lay on a big balance ball with 5 lb. weights in each hand lazily letting your arms stretch out parallel to your shoulders. This opens the breastbone and feels really good. I alternate this between core work on the ball (remember, your ab muscles are like a natural girdle that hold your body in place).

The other exercise is a little more uncomfortable for me. Stand with your body snugly against the doorjamb, place your arms above your head, and grab on to the door molding with your fingertips right at ear level. Slowly lean forward, keeping your heels against the door frame- again this opens the sternum. For me, this exercise is still a little uncomfortable but helps between sessions.

Lastly, the hatial hernia... once my sternum/breastbone is back in place and holding, Lonnie will begin to physically manipulate my stomach down (I know, hard to believe). I haven't started this (prob. in 4-6 weeks- my body was such a MESS ), so I can't really explain it, but MichiganMom did sent me this link on the manipulation and also home remedies (I haven't tried them but believe they probably do work because MM really knows her stuff and is an EXCELLENT source of information). Here's the site:
<A HREF=" ... Hernia.pdf" TARGET=_blank> ... nia.pdf</A>

Best Wishes,

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:44 am
by Holly J
Fishcee always has great advice!! I have acid reflux too and it came up when my anxiety flared up this year. I swear on ginger!!! Anything ginger. I have ginger chewables and ginger teas. It helps for nausea too!!! Gosh, even when I am anxious I chew on ginger and feel better. I just loooove the stuff.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:56 am
by goddess sparkle
WOW that is a lot of good info! I will try some of them and let you know how I feel. I feel horrible so I'm sure it'll help! Definitely want to look for a masseuse too. Thanks for the tips!

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:07 pm
by fischee
<span class="ev_code_PINK">*flattered*</span> but really, isn't this exactly what the forums are for- giving support and suggestions when you can and being able to ask when you can't... Sometimes when I feel I'm stretched for time my first impulse is to skip over a topic I actually know something about, but then I remember everyone who has helped me tremendously and it puts my priorities back in perspective- even if it means jotting down the forum and topic and coming back later to post.

I do hope you can find some relief for your headaches and sore muscles, Goddess. A while back I remember reading about 'desk stretches' on MSN- I'll look for the article (don't know if I saved it in favs or not?).

Chewable ginger, huh, Holly? Where do you get this? I've used ginger root capsules to soothe my stomach but never heard of the chewables or even looked for the tea. Is there a specific brand you can recommend? Oh, got my BCS and liquid tart cherry today- looking forward to an especially restful and restorative night's sleep! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:38 am
by bobpriest
Thanks for all of your support. The reflux is sill there, but I hope subsiding. I've been put on nexium. How long does it take to have real results - free of associated pain.???