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Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:59 am
by lifeisbetter
I am a type1/juvenile diabetic. just curious if there are others out there who also have anxiety &/or depression? Do you sometimes confuse a low-blood sugar level with anxiety? Does your blood sugar rise because of anxiety or maybe medicine? I am on an insulin pump and have found it to be very helpful/ it stabilzes my blood sugar better than daily insulin injections. Please let me know how you are doing and how easy/difficult it is to keep blood sugar control. -Anne

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:31 am
by tdj7000

Hello. I am also a juvenile diabetic for 39 yrs now. I also am on an insulin pump for about 3 yrs. now and it stabilizes my blood sugar better than injections, too.

When I have low blood sugar all of my symptoms get worse. I test a lot so I know what is going on. When I feel more anxious or depressed I check my blood sugar to see if I am low or high and sometimes that is the case.

My blood sugar rises when I am upset, when I have a visit from my monthly friend, when I am sick like right now, and while on some medicines. Sometimes it is a "roller coaster" ride and hard to control.

How long have you had diabetes? I like my pump, too. Does yours also check you blood sugar? Mine doesn't but I want to get the one that does. Take care.

Love and prayers,

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:34 am
by lifeisbetter
Hi Tina, So glad you responded. Sometimes i feel like the only diabetic with anxiety & depression. Just today i was feeling unusually anxious, tested my blood sugar and it seemed fine - 106. I had waited til 1:30 - 2pm
to eat lunch. I'm thinking maybe that was the anxiety cause?
I've had this diabetes 'concern' for 34 years now. Just had an eye check up and got a great report....worried that the eyes, the kidneys or the heart are going to fail. But i was encouraged by the good doctors report.
Often my hubby will notice the blood sugar out of wack before i will. So I do test a few times each day. Just better to know where you are at, ya know?
Sorry to hear that you are sick. That can't be good. Are your sugars a little higher because of that? Do you adjust your pump for any increase?
My pump doesn't check on sugar. That would be really wonderful!
Your picture shows you with a child. That's great. I've just recently married, we're in our fourties and thinking of adoption as our option. How do you handle motherhood and controlling your diabetes? That is a big concern i have, how much more difficult will it be? Any suggestions.
Wishing you peace and good sugars. Hope you are well soon. -Anne

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:13 am
by tdj7000

Looks like we are the only anxious/depressed diabetics on here. Maybe more will respond later. I can't believe nobody else has posted here.

I wrote to you this morning but when I posted it, I do not know where in this world it went. That happens sometimes and it really aggravates me. So I am attempting it again. I will try to remember what I said.

I am glad you had a good docs. report. Congrats.! I know what you mean, I worry so much about all of those concerns, too. I worry about my health so much. Right now I am feeling so miserable from this virus or whatever it is and not sleeping. I have so much anxiety from it and nothing seems to help. :eek: And yes, my sugars are higher from it. I am having to take more insulin.

Yes, my hub also notices my low blood sugar before me sometimes. But I hate it when we are having a "disagreement" about something and he will say, "is your sugar low"? That really burns me. :mad: I told him everytime I am upset does not mean my sugar is low!!!

I test my sugar alot. Too much according to one doc. I don't care though, as long as it puts my mind at ease some. You are right, it is better to know where you are at.

I have two children, my son just turned 27 (I can't believe it :eek:) and my daughter is 12 (surprise :roll:) LOL

Congrats. on your marriage. I am sure you will be able to handle motherhood just fine. Just keep on doing what you are doing!! :D Take care.

Love and prayers,

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 6:12 pm
by Jeanette H.
I am SOOO!!! happy!!!!. I started the program in middle of June 2007. I posted (somewhere) that I was a type I diabetic, I don't know where it went. I am learning how to get around on the computer. Anyway I found you and a big weight has just been lifted. I have been diabetic for 42 yrs. I was diagnosed at age 13. I had a kidney transplant 9 yrs ago. Very happy to say that There have no problems with the transplant. I have been on the pump for 6yrs now and things have improved so much.Sometimes I wonder why it took so long to get me on it. Oh well, I have it now and that is what counts. I believe that the diabetes, transplant and all of the meds have a GREAT deal to do with our moods (anxiety, depression)I have been on antidepressants and they did not help me at all, that is why I am trying this program.I am also morbidly obese (have gained 90lbs since the transplant) but was always overweight. I would love to talk to anyone concerning our issues. Again I am so HAPPY to have found you.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:34 pm
by tdj7000
Hello Jeanette,

I PM'd you. Let me know if you received it.

Take care,

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:51 pm
by csprague1981
Hey. I am also a diabetic. I am 25 years old and was diagnosed when i was 18. When they told me i was a diabetic i completey went into denial and just ignored it for about 7 years eating what ever i wanted. I wouldnt take medication or even go to the doctor. My sugar was about 500 every day for the last 6 years. I recently decided to finally take care of myself and face the problem so i went to the doctor and started on medication. That when i started to have severe panic attacks and am anxious all the time. Hard time dealing with it. The doctor said my hemoglobin a1c is very high, 14.8. I was doing good for about a month with the diet and everything but when i started having the panic attacks i became very depressed and basically fell back to my old ways. I am worried because i know i am killing myself. I guess when they diagnosed me with diabetes i just accepted that i was going to die young. Anybody else feel this way? About a month ago the doctor prescribed me lantis insulin injections but i have been to afraid to take it worrying that i am going to have some weird side effect or something. They told me that i failed the micro-albumin test for my kidneys and that is really scaring me. Dont know what to do. Want to take care of myself but its so hard with the panic attacks and the depression. Anybody else have this problem?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:16 pm
by tdj7000

You know you absolutely must be on insulin. There is no other way. Panic attacks or not you MUST take your insulin. I don't see how you stand having your blood sugar level that high. :eek: I would be having panic attacks if mine was that high.

I have been on an insulin pump almost 4 yrs. now. I use Novolog insulin in it. I have had diabetes for almost 40 yrs now.

This is one of those times that you have to force yourself to do something. Get on your insulin, please. :)

Take care,

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:14 am
by Mello Nello
My husband was diagnosed Type 2 diabetic in 2001, scared the crap out of him. No one else in his family has it, or ever had it.
We did all the research on diet, exercise and of course he takes meds. He had his blood sugar undercontrol for 4 yrs and then slowly started being lax on his diet, etc.
He just went in for his physical last week, did blood work, his doc called wants to see him thursday. Maybe change his meds, cause of course, he didnt tell the doc, he hasnt been on his diet, or exerciseing like he should. He had be working on our deck and porch for the last two months,,, but hes eating habits have gone to pot...
He just told me, he didnt want to talk about it:(.. So guess we will see what the doc says!!!
It scares me,, cause i have read all the physical stuff that can happen and i dont him to have those!! Hes 58yrs old and I want him around for a long time more.... So, please if your diebetic,, PLEASE do what you doc says!!!
Its so very important...

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:40 am
by Ed bob
I too am type 2 and was diagnosed 6/7/2007.... I feel I have been living a waking nightmare ever since.......I have always been anxious but now I am losing it! I have always been fearful of doctors and Hospitals.......I am doing the right things related to the disease but Just looking at a Blood pressure machine, my readings triple!......I feel like I am living in Purgatory. I am on the 3rd series concerning this course but so far no improvement at all!.....Ed