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Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:52 am
by gnugget1
I am having a really hard time with hypoglycemia symptoms. The worst part is that they make me think I'm relapsing into panic again. (I finished the program in early 2006 and have been pretty-much ok until now.) I've had shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, etc. Anyone have any ideas on how to cope with the hypo symptoms?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:13 am
by Guest
hey gnugget.
So I had them really bad and they were a side effect of my birth control pills just something you might want to I got off the pills I didnt have the issues any longer. But if thats not your problem and you are experiencing hypoglycemia the best part is that you can fix that....when you feel a little low eat something. Its as easy as that.

I always carry a piece of hard candy in my purse or pocket if I feel a little bit of those low feelings I pop that into my mouth till I can get a good snack. If you are one that wakes up with those feelings try going to bed on a nice high protein snack such as a slice of toast with peanutbutter and a glass of milk. Then keep a juice box next to your bed or a banana and when you wake up drink your box before you get up and start the day. It helps to give you the little boost youll need to get till breakfast.

Thats some of the things I do to feel better.
If you want to talk more just pm me or come to online chat Im there most days at least once a day. You can find me there everymorning around 730


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:16 am
by Guest
Thanks for the advice. I actually got off of birth control pills last October and they've actually gotten worse just lately. I don't know if it has anything to do with them or not...I seem to have large gaps of time where it doesn't bother me at all, then all of a sudden it bothers me again really badly.
I was hoping there was something I could do besides eating constantly, which is what I seem to be doing! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:51 am
by Guest
I had something like this and some mornings still do.

I have tried better meal balancing, and including protein and fat along with carbohydrate to achieve more complete feelings after eating. Protein or fat with carbs can slow the digestive process; thereby making for a more even distribution of nutrients throughout digestion.

Also, do you drink caffeine?

I stopped coffee early on and now only drink decaf (if I do drink it). Caffeine can produce those feelings of hypoglycemia.

And stay away from simple sugars (soft drinks, candy, chocolate, etc) as these break down quick and can cause the jitteriness, weak kneed feeling of hypoglycemia too.

If none of those things apply, have you seen your doctor and expressed your concerns?

As I said earlier, I at times during this process have experienced these feelings. I talked to my doctor about it and he, being aware of my anxiety and blood work (I'm hypothyroid), tell me that it was anxiety making me feel that way.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:03 pm
by Guest
Ok, I appreciate the insight and suggestions. I don't drink caffeine anymore because of the jittery feelings and have really tried cutting back on the simple sugars. The past week or so, I've been doing a little better. I have a dr. appt scheduled and I plan on discussing this some more with her. I'm going to try some of these things and see how that goes. Thanks again!