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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:06 pm
by Guest
I have fibromyalgia and I hate as I'm sure you do, but it seems like there is nothing that I can do about it. I wish you could tell me what to do. Medications, like excedrine and Ibropro. doesn't help at all.
Good luck to you,.\Maxine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:19 am
by Guest
I don't have fibro, but I know people who have been helped with nutritional supplements. Also, a good book to read is "What Your Dr. Doesn't Know About Nutritional Supplements" by Ray Strand M.D. Dr. Strand's wife suffered from Fibromyalgia and since she was helped with nutritional supplements, he has turned his research and treatment approaches to nutrition.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:12 am
by Guest
Hi Everyone!
Meadowlark, you are so very, very right on all you have commented about Fibro. I was diagnosed about 12 years ago and have had the very long periods of pain; get so depressed, anxious, then frustrated with it all. I know you have all been through that. And quite honestly, its the exercise, but very light exercise and DO NOT push myself. Such high expectations for oneself only makes it all worse. I have been working with this one firm for 2 years now and the total brain fog and chronic fatigue then EBV and CMV hit me hard about 8 months ago. My physician finally threw his hands up and said he could not help me any further. He did suggest a D.O. that has been connected with, but not directly associated with the Fibro and Fatigue Center in Ft. Worth. The Fibro and Fatigue Center had a wonderful informational seminar that I felt gave me hope once again. Neither the center nor this physician take insurance, but they both claim they will file the claim for me. I have made an appt with the D.O. for mid-November. I will keep in touch as to my results.
In the meantime, I have also fell upon a D.O. just down the road from me who has dealt with fibro patients in the past with more successes than failures. I went with the intentions of trying chiropractic adjustment, but they follow a different protocol. I sincerely want off as many meds as I can. So, the exercise is a huge thing for me and genuinely helps immensely. For me, the toughest thing is for me to use exercise equipment without any weights on them yet.... I almost itch to add weights, but he watches me like a hawk and he is re-teaching me patience with myself and my body. Instead of doing 10 reps of 12 different things, I pushed for 12-15 of each - no weights, mind you. And I paid for it yesterday and this morning.

This program is helping me find the positives in life again, enjoy what is right under my nose and take my time on my journey. It is not easy by any means. But, now that I have filled up so much space today. Please go back and re-read all suggestions given from everyone prior to me. Try what you want, realize that not everything works for everyone. Its been a long journey of trials and errors. And when I find something that works, I stick with it as long as I can or as long as it works for me. Then look for another. Never give up.
I'm sorry to have used up so much space here. :o
May you have a peaceful day.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:43 pm
by char-lee
Just heard a friend is drinking pickle juice and it seems to help kill the pain and aches. It may go along with the premis of apple cider vinegar and honey first thing in the morning. It changes your PH from acid to alkaline which helps to not allow bacteria to grow. It seems to help with the pain for some reason. Second person just tried it and is having good results. I'm going to try it this week and see. Change of season ie fall and spring are always the worst for me. The good thing is that I know in a few weeks the severity will pass and it will become manageable again. Exercise daily and making sure to take my 1/2 hour rest around 3 pm does help to keep it under control. Tried multiple anti-depressents and while it killed the pain it also made me unable to function. I couldn't even roll over in bed. I couldn't get up or do anything. I'd rather have some pain and live than no pain and just exist.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:21 pm
by Guest
I have fibro. I am patient of the fibro and fatigue clinics and have been for about a year. They done numerous test for co-infections and are treating them. I have inproved with this treatment. I have also started seeing a alternative med dr.that has treated me for different infections. The funny thing is other doctors told me nothing was wrong "it was all in my head". I am feeling better. My goal now is to over come the anxiety and depression with this program. I do not want to be medicated. I am just beginning this I am waiting for my program to arrive I ordered it Tuesday.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:56 pm
by Guest
I was diagnosed with fibro about two years ago, had everyone of the tender spots, I think it is eighteen points? I also have rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, two herniated disks, etc. I take pain medication because I suffered from high levels of pain, it took many doctors to find a doctor who agreed that the pain I felt was real and terrible. With the proper amount of pain medication, I am almost pain free. I do still suffer from depression and feel like I am coming down with something sometimes. The fibro hurts me more than the r.a. I am a difficult case to treat since I can take no anti-inflammatory medications, I am allergic. I took Plaquenil for four days and had a terrible reaction, I broke out in a rash, ran fever, got pneumonia. Just found out from my optomitrist (sp?) I have little crystals of Plaquenil inside my retina on the nerves and if I had continued to take the Plaquenil, I would be blind now. Good grief, can you believe it?
For people with fibro, exercise is good, but you have to be very careful with exercise and not overdo it-then it can do more harm than good.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:56 pm
by Fond
I AM INTERESTED IN THE SUPPLEMENT E- MAIL gentel_bull@hoymail .com thankyou

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:31 pm
by Guest
No posts to this topic since February. Are there still FM sufferers out there? I've had FM for years, but I am having a killer of a flare-up right now. My anxiety and depression seem to be linked to flare-ups. This program is completely new to me, but FM is not! However, my symptoms this time seem to have changed some. My pain also "burns" in my muscles really, really badly at times. Anyone else with "burning" muscles instead of just aching? My doc just ran a bunch of tests to be sure it's not something else besides FM. Tested for Lyme Disease and some others. So far, nothing shows up - as usual! Bloodwork is perfect, so how can you feel SO BAD with perfect bloodwork?!

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:29 am
by Mom of 6
i also have fibro and it does burn alot on my bad days i also get like pin prinks all over weird feeling somedays are better than ever rainy and damp are worse for me ....i just take it day at a time...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:29 am
by Guest
also fibro does not show up in blood test weird huh