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Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 10:52 am
by Guest
I`m looking for some experience to share about migraine. I know that there are
HI, I'm new to chatting ,so bear with me. Have you tryed Topamax(topiramate)? I found that to be the best in migraine prevention. I've had them since I was in my teens-I'm now 54. Mine were also "cyclical" , with my period. I would advise NOT to get a hysterectomy- mine then became ALL THE TIME!Although that's not why it was done I had hoped it would help-it didn't.Now mine are mostly weather related-worse in stormy, or before the storm-I tell my kids I'm a barometer!My mom never had headaches, but my maternal grandmother did, and several siblings do, as well as maternal cousins. My one son has had a few,and I know from Drs. and my own research, they are often hereditary. Like you I was on several different antidepressants to try to prevent them, with varying success. don't give up- I wouldn't worry too much about stroke, unless you have a very different H/a from what you are used to and it is THE WORST ONE OF YOUR LIFE. Then seek help. Try to keep a food diary to see what might precipitate one. the biggies are of course chocolate, caffeine cheese, wine, phenylalanine(aspartame),but you have to find out what kicks off one for you- they can be odors too. I hope you find a good doctor- that's a huge battle. Watch out for too much over the counter pain medicine- that can cause chronic daily headache and rebound H/A,GOOD LUCK

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:37 pm
by Guest
Thank you for your replies, it´s good tho see I´m not alone!
Well, when I have my appointment with the neurologist in June, I will ask her all the question that my family doctor couldn´t answer, als about the 72-hours-stroke-thing.

The last days have been well, also because we had some free days for Pentecost (bank holiday in Germany) and the summer has come, I could get some peace and rest in our alotment garden.

On the other hand I had trouble with my ex-husband (we are not divorced yet) who started to get nasty to me since he has a girl-friend. So he doesn´t have so much time for our daughter anymore which causes a bad conscience, so now I´m the one where he lets his frustration off (my interpretation, of course, but I know him!).
He is always irritated when I call him, although it´s about important things, about our daughter or paper things about our divorce or the tax custody. He relies on me to take care of everything but makes me feel like crap. We both have custody for our daughter, although he lives in Switzerland, so he can´t avoid talking to me totally!
So, those things also add to the tension which causes migraine attacks (and anxiety!), sooner or later, and he KNOWS that but doesn´t care.
I know from the that it´s my responsibility how I react on those things, but I havent´learnt yet to stay calm in such a situation. It´s new to me that my ex treats my like a pain in the neck, someone who "interferes with his private life", you know, just because I want to be informed if he goes on vacation to foreign countries and stuff like that.

Right now I´m not taking any medication, the first time for years, no pill, no antideps. I will see if that makes anything better.

By the way, I have read the package insert of the pill I used to take, and there are several hints like better not taking it if suffering from migraines, especially if they get worse with the pill.... why is it so difficult to get real help, why are docs so ignorant or is this a German phenomenon or just bad luck in my case? Why do I have to go to 5 doctor and still have no clue why I have this persistent pain?

...the same goes with anxiety, I think...

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:44 pm
by Guest
Hi. I have been suffering with migraines since I was a teen ager and am now 41. I can relate to how you feel and how frustrating it is going to the doctor's and really not getting much feedback from them. I seem to get them around my period and sometimes if I am stressed out or eat anything with msg. If I don't catch it when the pain first starts then they last for 3-4 days. The pain is horrible behind my left eye and I feel nauseas and just can't do anything. This is diff. because I have kids to take care of. I feel so bad for them like when they grow that will be part of there memory of mommy getting migraines. I finally got a referral to a neurologist back in feb. but it really didn't help me much because he gave me a sample of topomax and when i got home and researched it I have been to scared to take it. I don't know if anyone out there has taken this and if so I would love some feedback. I was researching to see if there was a natural alternative. I have been taking frova for the last couple of years and if I take it rightaway then it works otherwise I have to just ride it out. I just want to be migraine free as you also do and if I come up with anything I will be sure to post it as I said I am still looking. I am taking a magnesium because I have heard this helps. I am sorry this is so long but just wanted to say Hang in There and keep a food diary for your next doctor's appt. to see if something you are eating may be a trigger to your migraines. I know stress can't also trigger them so listen to your relaxation tape and do the breathing when you feel stressed this does seem to help. Good Luck and Hang in There. I have never heard of the stroke risk if a headache last 3 days, now that has me worried because mine do last at least that long. Take Care!! By the way I lived in Italy 2 years ago and traveled to Germany and really loved it. It is Beautiful!!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:56 am
by Guest
I have had migraines since age 11-12. I am now 47. When i was younger i would be down for days with the headache and nausea. I still get them every so often, usually after a very stressful time occurs, but they are not as severe and can continue through the day.

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:14 am
by Guest
haven´t been here for quite a while. I wanted to add some information from my visit at a neurologist. I asked her for the migraine-stroke-thing, and she said I shouldn´t make myself crazy. There is no bigger risk for me to get a stroke than for persons who don´t suffer from migraine. Migraine attacks that last for days are hard to bear but not dangerous for my health and they don´t damage my brain, neither. That was really a relief for me!

I think for me the side effects of migraine are worse then the pain itself: nausea (which is the worst), feelings of desperation and irritability, feeling like a truck has driven over me.
By the way, I will go to a health resort tomorrow and stay there for 6 weeks. (First I thought the right word in English was "rehab", but I think that´s for drug addicts... :D)
It´s a clinic especially for people with anxiety and chronic pain, for migraine and depression, people with burn-out ect. so I hope I will find some rest and learn some skills to cope with my problems better.
Although everything is well organized for the time when I´m away (child and pets), I´m very anxious and tense and my stomach churns. It´s a reall challenge for me to go there, being away from home for so long, from my family, not knowing what to expect there....

I feel like "I can´t go there!", you know, but I know it´s good for me and it will help me.
I will post here again when I´m back and have new insights to share.
God bless you and enjoy the summer!


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:25 pm
by Guest
I have been suffering from a status migraine since a horse back riding accident feb of 2008. a status migraine is a migraine that never ends it just cycles and makes my system sensitive to sound, stess, excessive stimuli, skipped meals, little sleep, menstrual cycle ect.... My pain is constant to my right temple, ear, jaw,neck and shoulder, and shoulder blade. somedays migraine will travel to left side of head also and effect my left temple, jaw, ear and neck. Back of head always tender. before accident I suffered mentral migraines and chronic headaches for ten years, so the doc said thats what made me suseptible to status migraine post traumatic accident with mild concussion. I have seen several docs, had numerous tests done, can find no other reason for the migraine. I see a physician in Chicago at the Diamond Headache Clinic. Have had a couple inpatient hospital stays, where they have been able to use iv therapy to dull headache some, but always returns to being moderate to severe daily right after discharge. I go to clinic to doc every 4 to 8 weeks and have been tried on numerous meds, almost 40 types at this point. Right now I am using MAIO-Emsam, Lamictal, Klonopin, Seroquel, Magnesium on daily basis, and use Noragesic Forte, Ketoprofen, hydroxine, IM DHE for abortive. I have had some improvement since started going to clinc in june 2008 but have also had several set backs. have had to stop working and life has changed very much. Also battle depression and anxiety from carrying pain around everday, having my life turned upside down, and anxiety about having to deal with this for the rest to my life. I am having a very hard time finding pain relief. I do have the best pain relief from narc pain meds, but I too can not take at all or very rarely because of risk of rebound headaches. If anyone has found any relief from similair type of situation, let me know. I am desperate and willing to try anything. Physical therapy did not work for me it only aggrivated migraine and neck and shoulder pain. the diamond headache clinic is a very good place to go they have helped alot of people. to find more info go to I have just had a hard time because I have one the more serious types of migraines because they are daily and chronic so my chance of relief or remission is very slight. It is considered to be a progressive condition day to day and year to year related to the longer a migraine goes on the less chance of ever having preventative meds work, so if you are just starting to have migraines, seek help soon and get it under control. Any advice would be welcomed and I would share any advice I can, Kayla5

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:11 am
by New Stace
Hi migraine sufferers. I have been away from the stress community because I thought my daily migraines were brought on by stressing thoughts from listening to the tapes. Turns out a good deal of my migraines are from posture: (sitting at the PC reading the Stress Community) Seeing my third neurologist now. He ordered a brain MRI and a cervical spine MRI and thus far have learned I have protruding discs in 3,4, and 5 which may have been caused by poor posture. Physical therapy is a learning tool to realign myself, which happens many times throughout the day, even my own OCD stresses cause my shoulders to hunch and set up another painful experience, and realigning has helped. This is still a work in progress and still get migraines nearly daily. Has anyone had an MRI done to investigate?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:47 pm
by Guest
Have had MRI's CT's, and nerve conduction tests, cannot find anything physical wrong

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:47 am
by Guest
Hi, this is my first post, so bear with me. I have had chronic daily migraines for nearly 13 years. I was 17 when they started and have never been without them. I also have depression and panic problems. I have yet to find anything that has helped and am ready to commit myself, it feels like you are losing your mind. When you have a health issue that no one can see or give a real diagnosis. I take several meds and have started taking Ambien which scares me. I have had 2 black out episodes one in which i was in a minor car wreck and do not remember it yicks!!!! I breakdown nearly everynight thinking that i am losing my mind.. I am in need of help and peers who really get it.

Thank you