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Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:33 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi, THH--I think I have your illness, it sure sounds like it. I'm just dragging and snoozing during DR Phil's rerun today. LOL! Can't get motivated, but then I did a lot last night and stayed up later than usual watching a TV show. DH is gone on business.

There are two sisters that live in town close to Dad and they have POA, I believe or at least they handle his money or keep track of it, clean his clothes, and house, when he isn't around. He doesn't let his daughter's take his clothes, they have to sneak to take them to be washed. I guess they sneaked in while he was at my place, cleaned his kitchen table and left everything as they found it, so he wouldn't think anything was missing. So that means all his paper piles were left the same.

I know the sisters want help...when we offered to take Dad for the winter my one sister in law was so grateful, she does worry about him and has her own young adult son's health to worry about and works full-time. She started having him come over to her house to take a shower. He has only had two so far and by himself, noone assisting in the bathroom.

The other sister has two children and she works at home and has a busy husband. But lives very close to her Dad. The rest of us are much farther away or out of state. While FIL was at my house, I did all the communicating and caring for him. DH was busy with our business and when not he rests. He will visit with his Dad but we all understand why noone wants to because he is a story teller and repeats his stories. But this last visit, he repeated something immediately, this was a new experience for me and the niece that was visiting. So we took a mental note of that. My mother did that as well in her last days after she had some strokes and was 85 years old.

It pretty much appears to DH since he took his Dad back home along with his older brother, that Dear Dad just isn't capable of maintaining a coal furnace. The task of going up and down the stairs that are steep and narrow is too hard on an aging man with some leg pain and vision problems.

The problem the children have is having to say, "No." to their Dad. They don't like confrontation and his outbursts scare them. I was able to talk more with Dad because I'm not busy with a family to raise or have to make a living. But it is stressful to me because I don't have the Power to make things happen and get frustrated with DH making excuses for not doing anything for his Dad. Since they don't want to see a Dr themselves, they aren't going to push their Dad to go see one. They will wait until there is an emergency where they check up on their Dad and he is sicker than a dog and then take him to the ER and he ends up having Pneumonia and some broken ribs from a fall he took.

That is why I get so own daughter feels the same way. She went over to visit and cleaned out his fridge and tried to clean up the best she could with a cold house. She didn't stay at the house.

It is all coming to a head now, because the sisters believed their Dad when he says he is building a fire in the coal furnace or he is taking shower. Then when they started to check on him more, then they found out that he is not telling the truth. Or maybe is not being forthright because he isn't feeling good or thinking straight and just wants to be left alone. He doesn't complain to anyone.

Well, I'll see how this week goes and I'll write my sister in laws about Dad thinking my piano bench was a table he built when he was in high school. We have that on video. Thanks for all your help, THH I'll work on doing what I can and work on letting go of what I can't control. :| Paislee

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:30 pm
by THH
Its always hard with aging parents. My husbands are gone now, I still have mine. My husband has a uncle who is in his 90's who also has dementia and many different kinds of cancer. His cousin(DH) is his POA. Thankfully she has found him a home where a lady takes care of 6-7 old ones. It is a house setting instead of a formal institution. Also his uncle is very peaceful and calm. Only getting combative when in a strange environment.
I feel for you as when you get someone who has their own ideas and don't want help it gets hard. My dad is maybe going to be like this. My dad lives in a one room cabin, with out door bath room. He heats with wood, and can not afford anything more. He has a old truck and again can't afford any more. We help him as he will only allow a certain amount of help. I offer for him to come here esp. for the winter and he is very proud. It has not been easy accept his choices, and as a daughter I want only the best for him. These old guys are a proud group and very tough!!! I can understand your concern now that you have seen these changes.I watch for them myself with my father. I felt sad for him for many years, but I do take comfort that he has also been very happy with his life style decisions. ( Its funny as when girls go over to see him, they all are so amazed that anyone can live like this. Guys go over and they all want what he has!!!! LOL...)

I'm glad that your DFIL has a poa, that is good. I encourage you to enjoy your life. You are a very caring person, be kind to your self! I know I can be more caring and do more when I feel well and have good energy to bring to a person, or place.

I sure hope you don't have this sickness, it really is a drag. I do feel better today, kind of my first real day! I hope its over!!!
Get lots of rest and drink lots of water! Hope you feel well soon!!! :D

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:41 pm
by Paisleegreen
Thanks, THH- I made myself a concoction of sweetened shredded coconut, plain yogurt, pineapple chunks(for the vitamin C) and almonds. I would have added marashino cherries or the juice, but they disappeared. Not sure if DS's friends (female) threw out my little jar of them or at least the juice. (These are the Young adult group of kids that hang out at my house at all hours of the day and night and cook in my kitchen)

I took a hot bath again and had also eaten some of my newly made homemade healthy Chili. Later after my Temazepam kicked in I had a Nestle's ice cream cone, pre-packaged, I can only eat some of the pure sweet stuff when I have some type of Benzo in me. LOL! :lol: To calm my gut system down. Otherwise, I feel anxiety symptoms. :|

Wow, your father sounds like my FIL! And my poor sister in her cluttered trailer. I think FIL would be fine in the same situation as your Dad as he is a Mountain Man, hunted and fished forever, always bringing home road kill and he was an Eagle Scout. :) So I guess what we deem unacceptable living conditions, others love the idea. Our ancestors lived this way, so what's the big deal. :roll:

I managed some Shelter Homes like what you talked about, but more for the Mentally Ill and Mentally Retarded. I did take in at two different times, two elderly women. It didn't work out with them, one was too gone mentally and the other was too aware and stubborn and telling me what to do with my cooking and raising my children. She also smoked in my house, which we don't do, and her little dog scared off our cat to never be seen again. So that was the end of my Caretaking saga.
Except for my parents after they became ill. I still took care of other people's children though.

I must have the "bug" because I feel so sleepy and light headed. I get chills, then get hot again. I can't tell if this is part of Menopause or Anxiety or A Bug. :D Although with my anxiety symptoms I don't want to treat the "Bug" with Nyquil or other over the counter remedies. Just taking an Aspirin, Advil or vit C affects my gut region. Although, I did take them not last night, but the other two nights and didn't get much sleep. I guess if things continue I'll go see my family DR if needs be.

The "Bug" is going around and DS's, DD and DH have it too or are going through it now. So it is my turn. Mainly affecting my head, I can't consider my stomach being ill, as Anxiety has been my friend for over 10 1/2 months. :roll: Take Care all of you posters! :) Paisleegreen :mrgreen:

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:30 pm
by NinjaFrodo
Yeah I missed reading many of your posts. I usually only read what is directed at me as there is alot to read and I only have a certain ammount of time for the forums.

It sounds like things are very stressful in your house and seemingly getting worse but your anxiety seems to be getting somewhat better. I would be extremely uncomfortable if I was in your situation. I don't think I'd be able to endure the stuff that you have been, its rough! I guess it was somewhat similar with my upbringing. It felt like I didn't belong there and that I was being ignored and disrespected. I felt powerless and insignificant. Is it like that for you?

I"m all over it now. Hope you are too!
My body needed to rest and it was really hard because I hate staying cooped up in my house but most of my time i spend in my room even when i'm not sick. My health anxiety isn't so much about viruses as much as it is about being lethargic and the anxiety symptoms but its not at the level of panic though.
I've just been letting myself feel emotions and its been strong and I'm trying to figure out how to feel them without dwelling on them or resisting them either.


Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:31 pm
by THH
Yummm. your coconut yogurt sounds good!

That is a very hard thing taking care of the mental challenged. Good for you! I never wanted to be in medical field in any way. I was always a out door job girl. Although I enjoyed being in the floral business. I would have been at home in the woods being a forest ranger or in a booth handing out pamphlets when Mt St. Helens blew her top. I give credit to all the health care people, or any other job that tends to to sick, needy people. We all will need them, I'm thankful for those who love their jobs.
I also like history. Old places, homes, heritage, hearing storys from long ago. I think I need to focus more on some of this, as maybe I will find my passion again and be able to set a new goal! :D

Glad your back! Also that your feeling good and over the virus. You got over it better than me! I hate being sick, as I complained about before! LOL...I'm glad you don't feel panic. Sounds like you float more than I do with it.
What kind of emotion are you feeling strong now? Are you sad? It is good to feel emotion! Are you feeling drained because you have been sick and it is part of the sickness or are you thinking about something in particular? Just wondering.... ;)

I have had a good couple days! The sun has made its way to our area, the temps are warm and I have gotten out side and sniffed the sweet air. I think its spring fever!!! I like this sickness!!! LOL...
I could sit in a chair in the sun and be happy. Life feels so good the last few days. A major high!
I was tempted to work my butt off with all the things I seen that needed done. I did some things but knew I don't want to be stiff and sore the next few days. I sat out side and looked at much of it and just was happy to live where I do.
Not many comments about all the disasters going on in our world, and I certainly don't want to bring them all up. I have been thinking about how much of our life is not in our control, how things really are not fair.( wonder why we think such stuff anyway?) What I have been learning is coping skills and I do need those, also I think I need to learn to just plain except things and realize that I can't fix, stop it from happening, just be more flexible. I am thinking, I need to be thankful, enjoy my life more, just feel content. I'm going to work on it!

Glad everyone is feeling good again! Here is a happy song..... ... re=related

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:07 pm
by Paisleegreen
Welcome back, Mike, I'm glad you are feeling better. Now I'm feeling more sick and taking only 80 mg of Aspirin to help me feel better. Also took a vitamin C and drinking water. I have found that taking too many vitamins or Aspirin agitates my "gut system" or brings on "jittery" feelings. I'm not totally sick that I need to take anything stronger and I haven't needed to take a Xanax.

I'm just noticing that my neck aches and lower back, and I'm taking the aspirin for that, Oh, I forgot, my head is bothering me more due to the sinuses.

Yes, I've probably felt some of the feelings you have felt, but it is only more recently that I've felt not respected. I can only gage it on my experience last spring that was the eye opener. Since I'm not sure what part you are talking about, if it is the part of DH is using the guest room part and I didn't get to choose what size bed was going to go in the guest room, yes, that was part of the continuing saga of feeling that I was not being listened to.

Now DS with his actions was "acting out" from his own pain of losing a brother to suicide and later his first girlfriend breaking up with him. So he was going through all sorts of emotions. So that's how my panic attacks started and how I got here. LOL! Ugh.

THH- I also like working outdoors and passing out pamphlets to a Tourist Attraction is definitely something I would like to do. I love visiting historical places as well.
I too, have to resist the urge to work on things I see need to be done as I know I will be sore! Paislee :mrgreen:

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:56 pm
by THH
What happened to Mike?
When do you want to start the last session?

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:19 am
by cj20520
i cant believe its been so long since i have been here. Missed reading about all that has been going on with all of you. Hope you are all feeling better.

I have been doing pretty good. Since i was very young i have carried my anxiety in my stomach. When i was on the Paxil it seemed to go away unless i was very stressed. Now being on Zoloft i just cant seem to get it under control. So when i stomach is upset i get the inner thoughts going about whether it is anxiety or am i just hungry. I wake up alot in the am with that feeling and it is a crappy way to start the day. I have found that if i take my meds with Kefir it helps because of the probiotics, but not enough to allow me to eat something. It really screws me up when i have to get out early in the a.m.

I can so relate to taking care of an elderly parent. Both my mom and my mother in law are having issues with their health and dimencia. My Mom in law is tracking much faster than my mom and she is younger so it is a huge concern. She is very strong willed and her kids are not willing to even mention testing to her. I have enough going on with my own mom to deal with her too. My mom is a daily issue. She gets an idea in her head and just wont let go no matter what we do or say. But it has been like this for years, so we try to manage as best we can. The sad things is she has never been a good mother and her behavior now does not endear me to her. I do it because she is my mom and i try to remember she has done the best she could with what she learned from her mom. Which is so weird, because her mom was amazing. She always came to take care of us kids when my mom was in the hospital for her many issues. Right now my mom is as healthy as an ox, its just all the crap she creates that are issues.

Anyway, ready or not i am going to start session 15 today. I dont want to do it because i dont feel like i achieved my goal, but stalling wont change it for me. I need to keep moving forward.

I hope you all are getting some sunshine, I dont think we are getting any until next week.

Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:46 pm
by NinjaFrodo
Sickness like a cold or whatever is more relieving than stressful for me. Its my reason to relax and then i just spend lots of time watching tv online and not putting pressure on myself so i guess ya I float through it a little better. Now if i could just do that with my anxious situations then i'd be good to go.

I was just allowing negative feelings...before i would resist them but now letting them and alot of anger has come up from my abuse and I'm just letting it have its time and then letting it go as best as I can.

Good that you have been feeling better. I think you just need to start dreaming again.

Sounds like we all went through the sick thing then.

I was just talking in general. Seems like you are getting less and less respect as time is going on and less and less of what you want. I can't imagine that you are feeling too comfortable with those conditions. Is it ok with you that your living the way you are right now?

You want to start lesson 15 but don't want to because you don't feel you reached your goal? Maybe it would be a good idea to re-evaluate that goal then. Perhaps make it smaller and more manageable.

Based on what you just said about the stomach thing, I'd assume that you probabbly have a hard time letting go of things and you feel really sluggish and have poor sleep. Is that correct?


Re: The Challenge...Lesson 14

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:19 pm
by NinjaFrodo
Here is the Link to lesson 15 ... 70&t=24957

So I've been feeling pretty stressed and overwhelmed so I decided not to post the last few days. I don't like forcing myself to do something when I really don't want to do it but i'm here now and i'm posting.

So I've been starting to work on a book to help work through the sexual abuse and only doing 30minutes a day on it. One part of the book was really intresting as it talked about creating "GROUND RULES". There were several yes or no questions involved that helped realize where my problems could lie in working through the book and with it I was able to create some ground rules. I then realized that this would be a great idea to do with things like relationships and work and such. So I looked at some of the problems that kept coming up with friendships and created several rules.

Friendship Ground Rules
1)I will not put up with people who are constantly pointing out my faults, errors or weaknesses. If you are my friend then you'll accept me for who I am and like me for who I am, not hate me for who I'm not. It is however ok to help out if you see that i'm struggling and could use the advice and i'm open to it.

2)I will not put up with manipulation or being used. I will do things bwcause I want to do them and only for those people I want to do them for, not because someone guilts me into it. I do things for people who appreciate it and for people who appreciate me.

3)I will not put up with complaining over the same things over and over and over again. I want to be friends with my friends and spend time with them, not with their problems.

4)If you are my friend you will respect my feelings, needs and my limitations. If you only care about your feelings and needs then you don't care about me and this won't work.

5)I will ignore jokes over things that bother me if it doesn't happen that often but will avoid people who consistently do it as I do not want to feel bad.

6)Not going to force myself to spend time with people I have nothing in common with, thats just uncomfortable and unfulfilling.

7)If your my friend then you'll respect my likes, the things I prefer and won't bash me for not doing things the percieved, "right" way. Without respect there is no friendship.

8)If you attack my vulnerabliities then you have no respect for me and don't care about me and aren't worth my time.

9)Its ok to give an opinion and my choice to follow it but I will not put up with commands and expectations of how to live life. Its my life.

10)Talking down to me is disrespectful and I will not put up with it.

11)I will not spend alot of time with very negative people, it is very draining for me and goes against who I want to be.

12)If it is something really important to you and I'm not intrested, I'll listen and focus on how its important to you but if not then I'll change the subject.

13)When I'm not invited to an event I'll voice how I feel and just accept that I won't be invited to everything and will inquire if I see an event that I wasn't invited to. I don't have to be invited to everything but I would like to spend time with you so consider me sometimes.

14)If you talk about something that is upsetting to me and I don't want to talk about it then I will let you know that. Respect my desire to not want ot talk about something.

15)I will not put up with discouragement that is based on opinion instead of fact. If you're my friend you'll help me to enjoy life more and help me succeed in it, not make me feel bad and hinder me.

16)It is my responsibility to voice if you've upset me and your responsibility to voice if I've upset you. If I don't say anything and I let resentment build that is my fault and vice versa. I'd rather deal with the problem when it's small instead of when it gets too big.

17)When you are upset with me, I will listen to what you have to say if I agree with it or not. I'll let you get it out there and ask questions to figure out why you feel that way. I would appreciate the same consideration. Neither one of us is always right nor always wrong. There is a grain of truth in what everybody says.
