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Peaceful Parenting

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:51 am
by ellenfisher
I would like to suggest a book--Ritalin is Not the Answer by David Stein.

I raised six children. We did not have any hyperactive, ADD or ADHD kids, but this book still changed our lives.

I was able to discipline without spanking, yelling, threatening, warning or manipulating after we implemented the plan in this book. It is basically a highly organized positive reinforcement time-out program. The children learn what is expected and what to expect and Mom's and Dad's learn to discipline calmly and give genuine praise liberally. I only wish I'd had this book when my oldest three where little. We came upon it in desperation about half way through our child rearing and it was an absolute Godsend. It would be great if the title were changed because it works so beautifully with any child.

Best wishes and happy parenting :D ,